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Age of Exploration Edpuzzle Answers
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Social Studies < Age of Exploration
Grade – 5 to 12 Answers
Q. Who was the first European nation to explore the Atlantic during the Age of Exploration?
Ans: Portugal
Q. Christopher Columbus explored for which country?
Ans: Spain
Q. Ferdinand Magellan was the first to circumnavigate (travel all the way around the world) the world.
Ans: true
Q. Which nation conquered the Aztecs (in current-day Mexico) and the Incas (in current-day South America)?
Ans: Spain
Q. Who defeated the Spanish in 1588?
Ans: English
Q. Which English explorer sailed around the world?
Ans: Sir Francis Drake
Q. What is the science of map-making known as?
Ans: Cartography
Q. Which one of these DID NOT give Europeans an advantage
Ans: Lances
Q. Why did trade routes have to be secured to Asia?
Ans: Europeans wanted spices
Q. What did the Age of exploration lead to?
Ans: mixing of cultures
Q. Which two countries were first to sail across the Atlantic ocean? Select both
Ans: Spain
Q. What is Prince Henry, or Henry the Navigator, known for?
Ans: Starting a school of oceanic navigation
Q. Where was Columbus attempting to sail to?
Ans: India
Q. What resources flowed in from the lands of east that so intrigued European exploration? Select ALL that apply.
Q. What is the most valuable good the explorers sought to find?
Ans: gold
Q. What crops did Europeans return home with? Select ALL that apply.
Q. What did the Europeans introduce to the New World? Select ALL that apply.
Q. By what other name is the Grand Exchange, the exchange of goods between the Old World and New World, known as?
Ans: The Columbian Exchange
Q. What was the infectious disease that the Europeans brought to the Americas?
Ans: Small Pox
Q. Which of these was not a reason European explorers took to the seas in the 15th and 16th centuries?
Ans: They wanted to respectfully learn about new cultures and religions, and to do no harm to them.
Q. What was it called when people went exploring to find what was out there?
Ans: The Age of Exploration
Q. Many explorers traveled by _.
Ans: ship
Q. True or False: The ships used during the Age of Exploration were crowded with crew members, food, supplies, and goods to trade.
Ans: True
Q. How long would sailors be on a ship during a voyage?
Ans: Months
Q. Due to a lack of vitamin C, what health issue would many sailors experience?
Ans: Scurvy
Q. Which of the following was NOT a real danger sailors faced at sea?
Ans: Sea Monsters
Q. The sailors thought that if they sailed too close to the equator they might melt.
Ans: True
Q. What was the main goal for explorers on their journey?
Ans: Make or find riches (Gold, Silver, treasure, cash)
Q. What was the main reason many native people were killed during the Age of Exploration?
Ans: Disease
Q. The Age of Exploration had both positive and negative effects on many groups of people
Ans: True
Q. The Renaissance era was brought on by
-the Black Death.
-the end of Feudalism.
-labor shortages.
Q. The Renaissance means rebirth. This was a rebirth of humans looking outwardly and searching for answers of the world, not depending on the Church for all the answers.
Ans: True
Q. Why did Europeans search out new lands?
Ans: to get rich
Q. The growth of Genoa and Venice became rich because Muslims would only trade with these Italian cities. They did not trust other Europeans.
Ans: True
Q. Prince Henry
– Open a school of navigation.
– wanted to sail to Asia to gain wealth.
– helped develop a new type of ship.
Q. The first sailor to go around the Cape of South Africa and go to India was
Ans: De Gama
Q. Portugal gained much of its wealth through the trade of
Ans: people
Q. Columbus’ voyage was smooth and easy. He and his crew did not have any issues.
Ans: false
Q. Columbus destroyed the Mayan culture.
Ans: false
Q. The colony that Columbus founded
Ans: was wiped out and all the inhabitants were killed.
Q. Christopher Columbus dead not knowing he founded a new world.
Ans: true
Q. The America name comes from
– a German map maker.
– Americo Vespucci
– an explorer that many Europeans thought discovered they New World.
Q. The Pacific Ocean gets its name from Ferdinand Magellan it means
Ans: -Peaceful
Q. The sails of Magellan proved
– the world was round.
– that you can sail west to Asia.
Q. The largest killer of native populations was
-new colonies.
Q. What did the Portuguese expect to find in Africa?
-vast wealth
Q. Portugese stone fortresses built along the coast of Africa doubled as:
Places to trade
Q. In 1488, where did Dias make it to in his exploration?
Ans: Cape of Good Hope
Q. What did Vasco de Gama find when he reached India?
Ans: A place that was already fully developed by Muslim merchants with lots of trade and business.
Q. What product was important for preserving food that the Portuguese brought back from Asia?
Ans: Spices
Q. The Portugese made their wealth by:
Ans: Collecting fees by controlling trade and access to trade ports.
Q. How did the Spanish make their wealth?
Ans: Controlling land and the people who lived there. They also they took resources from the land.
Q. Why did the Spanish king and queen agree to fund Columbus’ voyage?
Ans: They needed gold to fund their efforts to fight religious wars against Muslims in Spain.
Q. True or False: Christopher Columbus found great amounts of gold in the Americas.
Ans: False
Q. The goal of colonies was to…
Ans: Make your home country rich by extracting wealth.
Q. Why did waves of colonizers follow Columbus?
Ans: They wanted to get rich off the land and people.
Q. What did the Portuguese expect to find in Africa?
Ans: vast wealth
Q. Portugese stone fortresses built along the coast of Africa doubled as:
Ans: Places to trade
Q. In 1488, where did Dias make it to in his exploration?
Ans: Cape of Good Hope
Q. What product was important for preserving food that the Portuguese brought back from Asia?
Ans: Spices
Q. The Portugese made their wealth by:
Ans: Collecting fees by controlling trade and access to trade ports.
Q. How did the Spanish make their wealth?
Ans: Controlling land and the people who lived there. They also they took resources from the land.
Q. Why did the Spanish king and queen agree to fund Columbus’ voyage?
Ans: They needed gold to fund their efforts to fight religious wars against Muslims in Spain.
Q. True or False: Christopher Columbus found great amounts of gold in the Americas.
Ans: False
Q. The goal of colonies was to…
Ans: Make your home country rich by extracting wealth.
Q. Why did waves of colonizers follow Columbus?
Ans: They wanted to get rich off the land and people.
Q. What happened in the 1400s and 1500s? (Select all that apply)
-Europeans gained control of the Americas and parts of Asia.
-Signaled the beginning of overseas exploration for European countries.
Q. What did Europeans begin buying from Asia during the Middle Ages? (Select all that apply)
– spices such as pepper, cinnamon, and nutmeg
– silk
– wool
– luxury goods
Q. What did Europeans use spices for? (Select all that apply)
– perfumes
– cosmetics
– preserve and flavor food
– medicine
Q. Match the responsibility described below with the correct trading group:
This group sent spices by caravan over the Silk Road and other routes to the eastern Mediterranean region.
– Arab and Byzantine Traders
– Italians
– Chinese and Indian Traders
Q. Match the responsibility described below with the correct trading group:
This group shipped the spices to Europe and received huge profits for the selling of luxury goods.
Ans: Arab and Byzantine Traders
Q. What disrupted the trading network between Europe and Asia?
Ans: political changes
Q. True or False: Merchants knew that if they could get goods directly and cheaply, they could make more profits then having a middle-man.
Ans: True
Q. True or False: Europeans wanted to reach Asia by sea so they would not have to travel overland through the Middle East.
Ans: True
Q. What inventions did Europeans learn about from the Arabs? (Select all that apply)
– astrolabe
– compass
Q. Sailors used this to help determine the direction in which they were sailing.
Ans: compass
Q. True or False: Most educated Europeans during the late Middle Ages believed that the world was flat.
Ans: False
Q. What two types of maps were available during the late Middle Ages?
– maps of Europe
– maps of Mediterranean region
Q. True or False: Maps of different places became more available during the Renaissance when people began to study ancient maps and books.
Ans: True
Q. A Greek geographer who had drawn maps of the world for his book Geography, in which he recorded the latitude and longitude of over 8,000 locations.
Ans: Ptolemy
Q. True or False: The printing press helped to make it easier for sailors and explorers to get accurate maps.
Ans: True
Q. European mapmakers learned about the Indian Ocean by studying the works of this Arab geographer.
Ans: al-Idrisi
Q. What did many Europeans conclude was the best way to reach Asia?
Ans: sail around Africa
Q. True or False: Using triangular sails meant ships could now go in almost every direction no matter which way the wind was blowing.
Ans: True
Q. True or False: Even with new sailing skills and tools, exploration was expensive and dangerous.
Ans: True
Q. What had strengthened Europe’s governments? (Select all that apply)
– trade
– rise of towns
Q. What were the four strongest kingdoms in Europe?
– France
– Portugal
– Spain
– England
Q. True or False: The strong kingdoms of Europe had ports on the Atlantic Ocean and were eager to find a sea route to Asia.
Ans: True
Q. How was Portugal able to take the lead in exploring new trade routes to Asia? (Select all that apply)
– Spain was fighting the Muslims.
– Portugal had more wealth than the other countries in Europe.
– England and France were still at war with one another.
Q. How was Portugal able to take the lead in exploring new trade routes to Asia? (Select all that apply)
– Spain was fighting the Muslims.
– England and France were still at war with one another.
Q. This Portuguese prince had an unusual nickname and was eager for Portugal to explore the world. He would pay for many voyages of exploration.
Ans: Prince Henry
Q. True or False: Prince Henry of Portugal was known as “Henry the Navigator” even though he had never made an ocean voyage.
Ans: True
Q. Where did Henry the Navigator’s men travel to? (Select all that apply)
– West Africa
– Madeira Islands
– Azores Islands
– Cape Verde Islands
Q. Where did the Portuguese explorer Bartolomeu Dias sail to?
Ans: southern tip of Africa
Q. According to the map, what is the southernmost point that da Gama reached?
Ans: the southern tip of Africa
Q. True or False: da Gama’s voyage around the southern tip of Africa and onto India’s southwest coast finally gave Europeans a water route to Asia.
Ans: True
Q. True or False: Columbus’s plan to reach Asia was to sail west across the Atlantic Ocean.
Ans: True
Q. Which country finally agreed to support Columbus’s voyage of exploration?
Ans: Spain
Q. In August 1492, Columbus sailed west from Spain with three ships. What were the names of the three ships?
– Santa Maria
– Niña
– Pinta
Q. True or False: Columbus’s men grew frightened and wanted to turn back when weeks went by without any sighting of land.
Ans: True
Q. Where did Columbus and his crew finally land claiming it for Spain?
Ans: San Salvador
Q. Columbus continued to explore further west in the Caribbean Sea. What two islands did he find?
– Hispaniola
– Cuba
Q. What two modern-day countries are found on the island of Hispaniola?
– Haiti
– the Dominican Republic
Q. What was the name of the Native American people who lived on the island of Hispaniola who traded with Columbus?
Ans: Taino
Q. What did Columbus return to Spain with? (Select all that apply)
– gold and spices
– members of the Taino people
– colorful parrots
Q. True or False: Columbus believed that he had been exploring the coast of Asia and had never realized he had actually arrived in the Americas.
Ans: True
Q. True or False: Early mapmakers labeled this “new world” South America and North America.
Ans: True
Q. True or False: Columbus only had one voyage.
Ans: False
Q. True or False: Columbus’s second voyage was different from his first because he took soldiers with him to conquer the people of these new lands.
Ans: True
Q. True or False: The Taino were scared of the Spanish conquistadors who eventually conquered Hispaniola for Spain and enslaved them.
Ans: True
Q. What was the name of the treaty signed by Spain and Portugal in 1494 that divided South America between the two countries?
Ans: Treaty of Tordesillas
Q. Where was Spain interested in exploring in the 1500s?
Ans: finding a western route to Asia
Q. In 1518, Spain hired this explorer whose primary goal was to sail around the Americas and then on to Asia.
Ans: Ferdinand Magellan
Q. What coast did Magellan sail along in an effort to reach Asia?
Ans: South America’s eastern coast
Q. What is the name of the narrow water passage located at the southern tip of South America?
Ans: Strait of Magellan
Q. True or False: Magellan gave the Pacific Ocean its name because of how peaceful it was.
Ans: True
Q. What happened to Magellan and his crew as they sailed west? (Select all that apply)
– Some sailors died.
– Sailors had to eat leather, sawdust, and rats.
– They ran out of water and food.
Q. Where did Magellan finally make landfall?
Ans: The Philippines
Q. What happened to Magellan and his crew? (Select all that apply)
– Magellan was killed in battle.
– Magellan’s crew continued west across the Indian Ocean, around Africa, and back to Spain.
Q. True or False: Magellan and his crew’s voyage is important to history because it was the first known instance of people circumnavigating the globe, which means sailing around the Ans: world.
Ans: True
Q. True or False: Portugal’s success led England and France to begin their own overseas exploration.
Ans: True
Q. This Englishman explored the North American coasts of Newfoundland and Nova Scotia and was unsuccessful in finding a waterway to Asia.
Ans: John Cabot
Q. This explorer was sent by France to find a northern route to Asia. He explored and mapped much of the eastern coast of North America, but never found a route to Asia.
Ans: Giovanni da Verrazano
Q. This French navigator sailed inland along the St. Lawerence River to present-day Montreal in Canada. He claimed much of eastern Canada for France.
Ans: Jacques Cartier
Q. True or False: After these early Expeditions, France and England had to focus their attention on religious conflicts and civil wars.
Ans: True
Q. Where did the French and English begin to establish their own settlements starting in the 1600s?
Ans: the Americas
Q. Where were most of Spain and Portugal’s territories located? (Select all that apply)
– Mexico
– the Carribean
– South America
Q. Where did France and England begin to establish colonies?
Ans: North America
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Grade – Higher Education/College Answers
Q. True or False: The Age of Exploration took place at about the same time as the European Renaissance. It was a period of time when the European nations began exploring the world, looking for new trade routes and territory.
Q. What were most of the explorers looking for on their expeditions?
Ans: New trading routes
Q. Why did countries fund expensive and risky expeditions?
Ans: All of the above (All of the other answers are correct except none of the above)
Q. Who was Henry the Navigator?
Ans: The King of Portugal who sent out explorers to map the west coast of Africa
Q. What country sponsored the expedition of Christopher Columbus where he discovered the Americas?
Ans: Spain
Q. The Treaty of Tordesillas divided up the New World between what two countries?
Ans: Spain and Portugal
Q. Which explorer conquered the Aztec Empire in Mexico?
Ans: Hernan Cortes
Q. Which explorer conquered the Inca Empire in South America?
Ans: Francisco Pizarro
Q. Which explorer discovered a trade route around the southern tip of Africa to India?
Ans: Vasco da Gama
Q. Which explorer is credited with being the first to circumnavigate (sail around) the world?
Ans: Ferdinand Magellan
Q. Both Europeans and Native Americans were introduced to new plants and animals
Ans: Most Native Americans became wealthy through new trade contacts
Q. Which country created an enormous empire and founded the thirteen American colonies that later became the United States?
Ans: England
Q. True or False: The world still sees the impact of the Age of Exploration today.
Q. What wars helped the people of Europe to realize how advanced Islamic civilizations were
Ans: The Crusades
Q. What wars helped the people of Europe to realize how advanced Islamic civilizations were
Ans: The Crusades
Q. Which is NOT a motivating factor for exploration?
Ans: Grape Wines
Q. Where did Europeans want to spread their Christian faith to?
Ans: Around the Globe
Q. What two countries makeup the Iberian Peninsula?
Ans: Spain and Portugal
Q. Who was the first explorer to make it around the Cape of Good Hope?
Ans: Bartholomeu Dias
Q. Where did Christopher Columbus believe he had landed?
Ans: India
Q. Who was the first European to make it to India by sea?
Ans: Da Gama
Q. The purpose of the encomienda system was:
Ans: For Europeans to divide up the labor between different Native American groups
Q. The Encomienda system is similar to the Feudal system in Europe.
Ans: True
Q. Which countries were interested in coming to the Americas for the 3 G’s?
Ans: Spaniards, Portuguese, Dutch, English
Q. Instead of protections, the Native Americans received…
Ans: Threats
Q. In what ways did the Europeans negatively impact the religious practices of the Native Americans?
Ans: They forced Christianity on the Natives, forcing them to abandon their own religions
Q. TRUE or FALSE: Most Europeans, like Bartolome de las Casas, were ‘good dudes’ who wanted to HELP the Native Americans escape the harsh realities of the encomienda system.
Ans: False
Q. Where was this quote taken from?
Ans: Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address
Q. How many new citizens were created as a result of the abolition of slavery?
Ans: 4 million
Q. What was the key national principle at this time?
Ans: freedom
Q. There is a tension between freedom and equality.
Ans: True
Q. Cornelius Vanderbilt began making his fortune by ferrying goods across New York Harbor.
Ans: True
Q. The South produced less cotton in 1900 than it did before the Civil War.
Ans: False
Q. The United States experienced rapid industrial growth during the Gilded Age.
Ans: True
Q. The population of the United States nearly doubled between 1870 and 1900.
Ans: True
Q. Telegraph wires followed the path of _.
Ans: railroads
Q. Which removed voting requirement that made the nation more democratic is associated with the Age of Jackson?
Ans: owning land
Q. Which of the following was NOT a component of the American System?
Ans: an income tax
Q. What issue did the Missouri Compromise resolve?
Ans: an unbalanced number of slave states if Missouri became a slave state
Q. How were Buren’s beliefs different from George Washington’s?
Ans: Unlike Washington, he believed that they were good and invented the Democratic Party
Q. What is Andrew Jackson called the champion of?
Ans: The Common Man
Q. How did Jackson destroy the Bank of the United States
Ans: By transferring all of its money into several pet banks
Q. What was Jackson’s response to the Supreme Court decision regarding Native Americans rights to land in Georgia?
Ans: He ignored it
Q. What purpose did Jackson hope to achieve through the Trail of Tears?
Ans: To relocate Native Americans to lands in the West
Q. What led to the Panic of 1837?
Ans: inflation and land overspeculation
Q. Who did Apple name CEO in an effort to save the company?
Ans: Steve Jobs
Q. What did Steve Jobs do to mend the bridges between Apple and Microsoft ?
Ans: Include Internet Explorer on All Macintoshes
Q. Why did Microsoft have anti-trust charges against it and a large fine?
Ans: Microsoft was accused of being a monopoly
Q. What two things happened to Bill Gates over the course of a week?
Ans: He was hit with a pie in Belgium and Windows 98 crashed during a public demonstration
Q. What did the “I” in iMac stand for?
Ans: internet
Q. What did the IMac change for Apple?
Ans: How Apple was perceived
Q. Who led the U.S. prosecution of Bill Gates and Microsoft?
Ans: David Boies
Q. What made Bill Gates seem “untrustworthy” to the judge overseeing the Microsoft Anti-Trust case and the “public?”
Ans: His deposition
Q. Microsoft was ruled to be a monopoly
Ans: True
Q. What did ebay do to allow people to know who was a good person to deal with or not?
Ans: Developed a rating system
Q. What did Amazon start as?
Ans: An internet book store
Q. This was the name for the great fear that the year 2000 would create havoc as the year changed from 1999 to 2000?
Ans: Y2K
Q. Y2k shut the entire country down when the entire power grid shut down at midnight of the year 2000.
Ans: False
Q. Who became CEO of Microsoft after Bill Gates stepped down?
Ans: Steve Ballmer
Q. __ energy is stored energy.
Ans: Potential
Q. Which form of energy is stored when and object is held off the ground?
Ans: Gravitational Potential Energy
Q. Which form of energy is stored when the rubber band is stretched?
Ans: Elastic Energy
Q. How is the bouncy ball’s energy dissipated?
Ans: Therm and Sound Energy
Q. What is 45 centimeters in meters?
Ans: 0.45 m
Q. What is 73 cm in m?
Ans: 0.73 m
Q. If your bouncy ball has a mass of 0.018 kg and is held at a height of 1 m off the ground, how much gravitational potential energy is stored at Position #1?
Ans: 0.1764 J
Q. Your ball had a mass of 0.018 kg and bounces to an average height of 60 cm (0.6 m). How much gravitational potential energy is stored at Position #4?
Ans: 1.06 J
Q. Position #1’s gravitational potential energy is .2 J and Position #4’s gravitational potential energy is 0.13 J. What is its Percent of Energy Recovery?
Ans: 65%
Q. How is IMMIGRATION different from MIGRATION?
Ans: Immigrants come from another country, Migrants move within one country
Q. Immigrants came for what reasons? Select all that are true.
– to escape poverty
– to escape religious persecution
– to escape overcrowded cities and joblessness
Q. When did large numbers of Chinese begin to come to the West coast?
Ans: the California Gold Rush
Q. Who often left the cities during the Gilded Age?
Ans: The middle and upper classes
Q. Multi-family housing in the big cities were known as
Ans: tenements
Q. How did immigrants preserve their own cultures in the American cities? Select all that are true
– establishing their own banks
– establishing grocery stores
– forming political organizations
– establishing their own churches
Q. Where did most of the Exodusters go?
Ans: Kansas and Oklahoma
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