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Data Nugget Coral Bleaching and Climate Change Answer Key PDF
Find the free answers with PDF to Data Nugget Coral Bleaching and Climate Change topic questions below:
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Answer Summary
We just point out answers for the questions asked in the worksheet below or get the PDF from above:
Q. What data will you graph to answer the question?
Independent variable: Tank type and where the corals are from
Dependent variable: number of bleached corals
Q. Identify any changes, trends, or differences you see in the graph.
Ans: The offshore reef heated, and had more bleached corals than the inshore-warmed reef.
Q. Make a claim that answers the scientific question.
Ans: When it’s heated, the offshore has more bleached corals than the inshore.
Q. What evidence was used to write your claim? Reference specific parts of the table or graph.
Ans: The graph helped me get this answer.
Q. Explain your reasoning and why the evidence supports your claim. Connect the databack to how warm water affects the mutualism between coral and algae.
Ans: In the graph, it shows that a normal tank had no bleached corals. However, when the water gets heated there are a lot more bleached corals.
Q. Did the data support Carly’s hypothesis? Use evidence to explain why or why not. If you feel the data were inconclusive, explain why.
Ans: Yes, because you can tell the heated one got bleached compared to the normal tank one.
Q. Using what you know about humans and how we affect our environment, explain HOW humans contribute to coral bleaching. (What do we do that causes the ocean temperatures to rise?)
Ans: Pollution, overfishing, using dynamite
Q. Based on your answer to number 5, what can we as humans do to reduce our impact on ocean temperatures and therefore coral bleaching?
Ans: We can stop bulk fishing and stop throwing things in the ocean
Q. Your next steps as a scientist: Science is an ongoing process. What new question(s)should be investigated next to build on Carly’s research? What future data should be collected to answer your question(s)?
Ans: What type of reefs/corals am I using?
Data Nugget Coral Bleaching and Climate Change – Basic Terms
It’s good to learn a few basic definitions & answers so that it helps you to understand Data Nugget Coral Bleaching and Climate Change in deeper:
Q. boldness
Ans: behavior that describes whether or not an individual takes risks
Q. open water habitat
Ans: the area of an aquatic ecosystem where the rooted plants do not reach the surface of the water
Q. cover habitat
Ans: edge of the pond
Q. tradeoff
Ans: An exchange- giving up one thing to get something else.
Q. standard deviation
Ans: a computed measure of how much scores vary around the mean score
Q. standard error
Ans: the standard deviation of a sampling distribution
Q. mutualism
Ans: A relationship between two species in which both species benefit
Q. coral bleaching
Ans: A phenomenon in which algae inside corals die, causing the corals to turn white.
Q. inshore
Ans: at sea but close to shore
Q. outshore
Ans: further from the shore
Coral bleaching is a phenomenon that occurs when corals are stressed by environmental changes, such as rising ocean temperatures. In addition to warm water temperatures, coral bleaching can be caused by other factors such as high ultraviolet radiation, pollution, and sedimentation. As the temperature of the water increases, corals expel their symbiotic algae -zooxanthellae- and turn completely white. The lack of food caused by the expulsion leaves them vulnerable to disease and death.
Climate change is one of the most important factors contributing to coral bleaching events. As global warming continues, ocean temperatures will continue to rise, forcing corals to become increasingly stressed and more prone to bleaching. In addition, coral reefs are particularly sensitive to ocean acidification caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
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