Disease Spread Gizmo Answer Key 2025 [FREE ACCESS]

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Disease Spread Gizmo Answer Key (Student Exploration)

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Vocabulary: disease, epidemic, infect, infectious disease, pathogen

Disease Spread Gizmo Answer Key

Prior Knowledge Questions & Answers (Do these BEFORE using the Gizmo)

Q.1. Why do you think it is important to cover your mouth when you cough?
Ans: Because many of the viruses or bacteria are transmitted airborne and all those bacteria can be passed to anything.

Q.2. Why should you always wash your hands before you eat?
Ans: Because your hands have many viruses or bacteria as you use them to touch everything, and if you don’t wash your hands those viruses can go to your mouth.


Gizmo Disease Spread Warm-up Questions & Answers

When a person has a disease, his or her normal body functions are disrupted. Some diseases, such as diabetes and most cancers, are not spread from one person to another. But other diseases, such as the flu and strep throat, can be spread. These diseases are known as infectious diseases.

Gizmo disease spread answer key

Infectious diseases are caused by viruses, bacteria, and other agents known as pathogens. In the Disease Spread Gizmo, you will be able to observe how various pathogens can spread through a group of people. Click Play and observe

Q.1. Describe what happened on the SIMULATION pane:
Ans: When the first person contracted the virus the rate of people getting infected increased until everyone in the room had the virus.

Q.2. Look at the color key on the bottom right of the Gizmo. What is happening when a person
changes color?
Ans: They either get healthy or is the way they got the virus.


Disease Spread Gizmo Answer Key – Activity A

disease spread Gizmo answer key - activity a

Question: What factors affect how quickly a pathogen spreads from person to person?

Q.1. Predict: Some pathogens are spread directly from one person to another. This can happen
when people come into direct contact or share items, such as drinking glasses. What do you
think might affect how quickly a pathogen is spread from person to person?
Ans: The way people interact, and the number of people that first had the virus.

Q.2. Identify: Select the SIMULATION tab on the left and the TABLE tab on the right. (You will
want the table tab open to answer question C.)
A. What does the purple person represent?… Ans: Person to person transmition
B. Click Play, and observe the simulation for a while. What must happen for the disease
to spread from one person to another?… Ans: Contact like touching each other
C. How long did it take to infect five people?… Ans: 30.5 hours

Q.3. Experiment: Click Reset. Change the number of people to 15. Click Play, and record how long it takes to infect five people. Repeat this four times for a total of 5 trials, and calculate the meantime. Repeat the experiment when there are 25 people and 35 people in the room.

disease spread Gizmo answer key - activity a

Q.4. Interpret: Study the data you collected. What trend do you see in the data, and how would you explain it?
Ans: If there are more people is going to take longer to reach the entire population, but it also depends on the type of transition it is chosen.

Q.5. Experiment: Not all pathogens are equally infectious. Click Reset. Set the number of people to 20. Under Probability of transmission, select Low for Person to person. On the SIMULATION tab, click Play. Record the time it takes to infect five people for five trials & find the mean. Then repeat the experiment with a medium and high probability of transmission. (Note: For the “Medium” setting, move the slider halfway between the Low and High positions.)

disease spread Gizmo answer key - activity a

Q.6. Interpret: Study the data you collected in the table above. What trend do you see in the data,
and how would you explain it?
Ans: As the rate goes higher it takes less time for the virus to spread.

Q.7. Analyze: On the CONTROLS tab, place the Probability of transmission slider under
Person to person halfway between Low and High. Select the SIMULATION and GRAPH
tabs. Click Play.
A. At what time did the disease spread most slowly? Most quickly?… Ans: When put at high risk.
B. How could you explain this change in the rate of the disease’s spread?… Ans: More contact between people or share of different things such as glass, fork, knife, etc…

Q.8. Apply: An epidemic is the rapid spread of an infectious disease. How do you think a government could try to prevent an epidemic of a dangerous person-to-person pathogen?
Ans: By implementing a lockdown and also social distancing.


Disease Spread Gizmo Answer Key – Activity B

disease spread Gizmo answer key - activity b

Question: How do foodborne and airborne pathogens spread?

Q.1. Predict: How do you expect the spread of foodborne disease to be similar to and different
from the spread of a person-to-person disease?
Ans: This foodborne spread is much slower because everybody has to eat or come in contact with the food, and person to person is less personal.

Q.2. Observe: Select the SIMULATION tab. Click Play and closely watch the people moving around the room.
A. What does each person do just before becoming infected?… Ans: They go around people already infected or go into large crowds.
B. How are foodborne pathogens transmitted?… Ans: By interacting with the same food, or having close contact with it.
C. If a person in the simulation never eats or drinks anything from the buffet table, is it possible for them to become sick with the foodborne disease? Explain your answer… Ans: Yes by either touching the food or having contact with it, even without touching it.

Q.3. Analyze: Select the GRAPH tab, and wait for every person to become infected.
A. At what time did the disease spread most slowly? Most quickly?… Ans: At the 8th hour the graph spiked and took much faster and at the beginning was slower.
B. How could you explain this change in the rate of the disease’s spread?… Ans: Because when there were more people infected the amount of time required for another person to get infected is much faster.

Q.4. Compare: How does the spread of a foodborne pathogen compare to the spread of the person-to-person pathogen you studied in activity A?
Ans: This spread of foodborne is more personal and the person-to-person is less personal.

Q.5. Predict: How would you expect the spread of an airborne disease to be similar to & different from the spread of a foodborne disease & a person-to-person disease?
Ans: They both relate because the person has to infect the food or have contact with the food in order to contaminate the food and pass it to another person.

Q.6. Experiment: Run a few simulations with the airborne pathogen.
A. What patterns do you notice in how the airborne pathogen spreads?… Ans: Airborne pathogens spread by coughing, sneezing, or even spitting on some surfaces or directly to people.
B. How does the spread of an airborne pathogen compare to the spread of foodborne and person-to-person pathogens?… Ans: They compare, for example, airborne and person-to-person require the interaction of two people and direct contact.

Q.7. Think about it: Suppose there is an infectious disease at a party. How could doctors tell if the disease was foodborne, airborne, or transmitted person to person?
Ans: By the way, it was transmitted, or what the person did to get it, for example, if it was foodborne check the food at the party or, airborne checked what people did at the party overall they have to test out every single way they could have possibly gotten the pathogen.


Above are the correct answers for the Gizmo topic “Disease Spread“. Now let us bring you a glimpse about Disease Spread & the different types of diseases in the coming session.

Or would you like to explore other topics associated with Gizmos? Then >>Check Here For Gizmo Answer Key<<


About Disease Spread

Disease spread is how disease moves from one person to another. There are different ways that diseases can spread, and it’s important to know how a disease is spreading so that you can take steps to protect yourself and others.

Some diseases, like the flu, spread through the air. This means that you can catch the flu by breathing in the same air as someone who has the flu.

Other diseases, like tuberculosis, spread through contact with infected body fluids. This means that you can catch tuberculosis by touching someone who is infected, or by touching something that they have touched.

There are also diseases that can be spread through food or water. For example, you can catch hepatitis A by eating food or drinking water that has been contaminated with the virus.

It’s important to make sure that your food and water are safe to eat and drink, especially if you are traveling in a foreign country.

There are also diseases that can be spread through insects, like mosquitoes. For example, malaria is a disease that is spread by mosquitoes. If you are traveling in a region where malaria is common, it’s important to take steps to protect yourself from mosquito bites.

Finally, some diseases can be spread through close contact with an infected person. This includes diseases like HIV/AIDS and chickenpox. It’s important to practice good hygiene habits, like washing your hands regularly, to help prevent the spread of these types of diseases.

Disease spread is dangerous for everyone, and it’s important to know how a disease is spreading if you want to protect yourself from becoming ill.

Another common way that diseases spread is through contact with an infected individual. To prevent this type of spread make sure to cover your mouth/nose area when coughing or sneezing especially in confined areas where there are other people nearby who you could infect.

Avoid sharing drinking cups/utensils/food dishes with others, not just someone who may be sick but also family members or friends, avoid physical contact such as hugging or kissing someone who’s showing signs of being sick unless you have a cut on the area where they’re touching you (ex: lips), & avoiding being around large groups of people whenever possible.


Thank you for reading! we hope the summary has provided you with some useful information about Disease Spread that may help in answering the above questions as well.


More References

=> https://www.cdc.gov/infectioncontrol/spread/index.html

=> https://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/what-to-know-disease-spread


Hope you get the Gizmo Disease Spread Answer Key for levels A & B by following our answers above. Share with your batchmates if you find it helpful.

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