Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Answer Key 2024 [FREE ACCESS]

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Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Answer Key [Page 1 – Page 232]

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Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Answer Key

Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 1 Answer Key

Flaming arrows are hot shots


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 2 Answer Key

Someday my prints will come
S -1 1/2
O. 1 1/4
M. -2 3/4
E. 1.5
D. 2.75
A. -1.25
Y. -1/2
M. 1/4
Y. 0.5
P. -2.5
R. -2 1/3
I. 1
N. 2 1/8
T. -2 7/8
S. 0.33
W. 2.33
I. 1 3/8
L. 1 2/3
L. -1 5/8
C. 2/3
O. 0.75
M. -7/8
E. 0


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 3 Answer Key

Greater than 4
5, 9/2, 8
Less than -2
-3, -7, -5/2
Greater than -1/2
0, 1/4, 5
Less Than 5 1/2
10/2, -10/2, -1/3
Greater than -7 1/3
-7, -1/3, 0
Less than -1
-3/2, -5, -2 2/3
Greater than 0
15, 7/8, 3 1/3


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 4 Answer Key

You may wish to contrast the graph of a number with an arrow representing that number. While the graph has a unique location on the number line the arrow can start at any point on the line.
O. 2
L. -4
I. -6
W. 5
E. -1
O. 3
S. 7
R. -3
N. -5
M. 1
T. 6
P. -7
B. 4
S. -2


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 5 Answer Key

E. 3
O. -2
I. 5
R. -5
O. -3
E. 6
O. -4
N. 4
E. 7
A. -1
N. -6
H. -9
S. 1
E. 3 1/12
R. -4 1/4
N. 9
S. -7
W. -5 1/2
P. 8
N. 5 1/2
T. -6 3/5
When one person is a tenor


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 6 Answer Key

Mosquito showing a girlfriend his most recent job
H. -75
D. -85
C. -96
G. -109
L. -142
T. -35
W. 154
F. -259
E. -226
A. -323
U. -56
B. -900
N. -952
J. 823
R. -800
I. -6
S. -72
Q. -179
O. -89
M. -101


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 7 Answer Key

Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 7 Answer Key


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 8 Answer Key

Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 8 Answer Key


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 9 Answer Key

  1. -6
  2. 14
  3. -4
  4. -8
  5. -4
  6. 4
  7. 3
  8. 7
  9. 0
  10. 4
  11. -10
  12. 0
  13. -7
  14. -13
  15. -18
  16. -6
  17. -7
  18. -13
  19. -4
  20. 7
  21. -15
  22. -4
  23. 3
  24. -7
  25. -1
  26. -3
  27. 2
  28. -3
  29. 2
  30. 3
  31. -3
  32. 17
  33. -7
  34. -3
  35. 5
  36. -4
  37. 3
  38. -3
  39. 2
  40. -15
  41. -13
  42. -7
  43. -4
  44. -7
  45. -6
  46. 8
  47. -4
  48. -7
    An electric dishwasher gets you out of some tough scrapes


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 10 Answer Key

Just fine tanks A bout to improve Worse dis year Class y
I. -22
B. 26
V. -83
E. 59
M. 49
K. -47
A. -78
D. -257
W. -19
J. 30
U. 37
F. -37
P. -93
L. 161
T. 8
O. 0
Y. -186
N. -87
C. -846
R. 2
S. -2


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 11 Answer Key

I. 174
B. 166
S. -69
E. -291
D. 76
P. -62
A. -113
T. -115
G. 149
R. -25
H. -103
M. -23
O. 216
Y. 22
C. -108
L. 34
It had cycle logical problems (psychological problems)


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 12 Answer Key

T. 13
R. 37
E. 9
O. 29
F. 41
H. 23
C. 5
O. 2
A. 34
E. 15
F. 21
O. 31
T. 11
E. 4
R. 10
D. 27
O. 12
Y. 30
E. 24
D. 17
O. 20
E. 19
T. 22
N. 35
S. 28
O. 7
H. 14
E. 26
C. 33
S. 8
M. 1
O. 38
F. 42
B. 25
O. 40
E. 16
L. 6
P. 39
G. 18
V. 3
Move closer to the edge of the bed so you can drop off


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 13 Answer Key

Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 13 Answer Key

It is pasture bedtime (past your bedtime)


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 14 Answer Key

N. 222
T. -118
E. -823
C. -441
A. 751
W. 443
F. 297
D. -839
G. -89
R. -411
H. 800
K. -867
U. -365
L. 756
I. 403
B. -97
S. 623
Unlawful is against the law and illegal is a sick bird (ill eagle)


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 15 Answer Key

Y. -4
O. 10
D. 5
E. -9
U. 17
O. 2
T. -11
A. -18
F. -14
O. 37
A. 12
T. -29
P. 25
O. -1
S. 8
E. -7
U. -50
O. 7
T. -15
N. 13
R. -12
U. 3
F. 75
J. 16
D. 15
H. -10
T. 6
S. -43
I. -17
O. -13
P. 11
F. 60
R. -6
J. -64
M. 19
W. -20
N. 4
R. -5
M. -8
T. 9
R. 0
G. -3
Just wait for the merry go round to stop and jump off


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 16 Answer Key

Note: Below answers are also published in detail on the Daffynition Decoder answer page as well.

Hare tonic
Infant replay
Man overboard


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 17 Answer Key

Some pretzel bakers are trying to make a fortune in crooked dough


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 18 Answer Key

Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 18 Answer Key


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 19 Answer Key

Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 19 Answer Key


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 20 Answer Key

  1. 816
  2. -2652
  3. 224
  4. -9534
  5. -13,125
  6. -47,700
  7. -1512
  8. 146,640
  9. 4096
  10. -2,988,000
  11. -243
    Joggers do batter in the long run


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 21 Answer Key

O. -120
N. 15
W. -37
G. 130
D. 30
R. -106
H. 196
C. -190
Y. 50
A. 6400
E. 110
I. -32
L. 1400
M. -70
U. -625
T. -900
F. -164
S. 125
He was a tailor who seamed nice and suited me fine so marriage was only fitting


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 22 Answer Key

A. -3
E. 4
T. -5
A. 12
R. 7
A. 1
E. -12
O. -50
A. -10
H. 0
D. -11
E. -215
T. 8
E. 15
O. -7
A. 75
E. 6
R. -75
E. 50
T. -67
N. 2
H. -30
R. -6
T. -170
V. 5
T. -1
V. 30
M. -4
V. -14
L. 16
E. -18
O. 25
A. -25
D. 67
E. -91
O. -15
A. 150
V. 13
O. 9
L. 311
N. -2
V. -21
T. -150
H. 10
B. -311
N. 3
S. -9
L. 215
H. -8
L. -16
T. 91
Better to have loved a short man than never to have loved a tall (at all)


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 23 Answer Key

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Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 24 Answer Key

T. -8
A. 29
D. -27
H. -6
E. -22
O. 50
L. -80
G. 7
E. -5
I. -100
T. -15
A. 10
N. 77
O. -18
S. 12
T. -24
E. -14
L. -26
T. 9
E. 30
H. -1
D. -58
O. -48
A. -55
E. 31
I. 100
L. 3
E. -9
A. 16
B. -87
T. -10
R. 14
N. -12
D. 75
L. 2
T. 72
The label said to tear along the dotted line


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 25 Answer Key

  1. -523
  2. -226
  3. -3176
  4. 376
  5. 435
  6. 1299
  7. 5040
  8. -708
  9. -78
  10. -2161
  11. -1728
  12. -59
  13. -11
  14. 276
  15. 1680
  16. 0
  17. 34
  18. -1884


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 26 Answer Key

Students need scissors for this puzzle (or they can use the fold and tear method). If you want them to hand in more than just the hidden message, they need tape or glue to fasten the puzzle pieces in the correct arrangement, or ask them to pile the pieces in the order of the letters in the staple them together.


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 27 Answer Key

G. -4
C. 18
I. 14
A. 50
R. -28
E. 15
W. -9
L. 30
V. -15
N. 48
T. 16
O. 80
D. -16
S. 24
F. 25
World’s greatest lover of fractions


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 28 Answer Key

G. -1/2
K. 1/4
T. -3/2
D. -2/3
Y. 1/5
H. 4/3
N. -4/5
M. 1/9
C. -5/3
E. 1
W. -5/6
O. -3/4
S. -1/7
R. -1
I. 2/3
L. 1/16
A. 13/10
B. -1/3
She wanted to see a man laying bricks


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 29 Answer Key

A golden receiver a Yamahahahaha Ten sows and bucks (ten thousand)
D. 5/12
I. -3/10
O. -1 5/24
M. -1/20
U. -13/15
T. 1/4
R. 1/12
W. -1 1/15
K. 19/36
V. 1/3
N. -1 13/24
Y. 29/48
C. 1/18
G. -1 1/3
B. -39/40
L. 67/100
E. -17/30
H. 17/24
A. -7/18
S. 9/20


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 30 Answer Key

Regrouping is not necessary for this puzzle.
S. -3 3/4
O. -5 1/15
A. 2 1/6
F. -2 13/30
U. -7 9/20
T. 5/12
M. -4 19/48
L. 2 5/28
D. 4 8/15
N. -5 5/18
W. -7 7/20
C. -9 1/35
G. 9 13/33
I. -1/18
H. -1 1/2
R. -1 7/24
E. -6 3/40
B. 0
A bear must beware when losing his hair because after all how much cold air can a bare bear bear?


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 31 Answer Key

  1. -6 7/12
  2. 9 11/20
  3. -4 1/3
  4. 2 3/8
  5. 1 8/15
  6. 9 7/30
  7. -9 1/36
  8. -1 9/10
  9. -6 17/24
  10. -4 1/2
  11. -4 19/35
  12. -3 13/20
  13. 5 7/24
  14. 5/18
  15. 7 31/40
  16. 5/12
    They curl up and dye


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 32 Answer Key

  1. 1 1/6
  2. -3 7/30
  3. -4 19/30
  4. 8 5/18
  5. 7 29/60
  6. -5 27/40
  7. 6 13/20
  8. -2 3/8
  9. 5 17/24
  10. -11/24
  11. 5 7/24
  12. -6 31/48
  13. -5 5/18
  14. -9 11/36
  15. 3 5/12
  16. 1 9/10
  17. -4 23/30
  18. 1/8
  Kids with mumps have a swell time


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 33-34 Answer Key

These problems are of three types. They require the students to compute one of the following:
1) The value of some variable after a gain or a loss (1, 2, 9, 12)
2) The difference between two values (3, 5, 7, 11, 13)
3) A net change (4, 6, 8, 10).

  1. 45 1/2 degrees C
  2. $97
  3. 1104 yards
  4. $24,300
  5. 67 1/2 meters
  6. -8
  7. 6 5/6 hours
  8. 1 2/3 yards
  9. -26 degrees C
  10. +2 1/8 points
  11. 22 1/5 cm
  12. 1723 meters
  13. 307 1/2 meters
  Many shop teachers do not believe in stone because they never saw it


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 35 Answer Key

N. 12
I. 7
E. 17
D. 10
A. 25
E. 2
H. 22
A. 4
O. 19
E. 27
D. 13
A. 29
T. 21
S. 5
D. 18
E. 23
I. 15
H. 1
A. 11
N. 20
Y. 30
E. 9
S. 24
W. 3
R. 16
D. 28
H. 6
M. 26
R. 8
F. 14
He was hired and fired on the same day


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 36 Answer Key

N. -2 2/5
O. -3 1/3
E. 3/4
O. -3 1/3
E. -3 1/3
A. 2/15
E. 5 5/6
N. 5 5/6
A. 3/4
I. -2 2/5
V. 3/4
U. -2/3
H. 3/4
Y. -2/3
L. -3 1/3
O. 5 5/6
H. -3 1/3
You have a hole in one


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 37 Answer Key

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Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 38 Answer Key

Men, get in the boat Long time, no sea i’d rather fly a kite
H. -3 1/4
G. -8
D. 7 1/3
Y. 2 1/4
I. 8 1/8
F. -20
B. -1 2/3
R. -2 1/10
K. 15 3/4
S. -7 1/3
M. 8 2/5
A. 18 1/5
L. -24
T. 9 4/5
N. -1 1/16
O. -25
E. 2 4/7


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 39 Answer Key

L. 5/4
H. -2
Y. -11/3
M. 2/25
O. -8/15
E. 1/10
P. 3/100
G. -9
K. -12/43
S. 10/23
C. -1
I. -4/71
V. 10/9
U. 8/37
A. -7/47
R. 3/50
W. -5/47
T. 7/3
Very clumsy tightrope walker


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 40 Answer Key

S. -6/7
C. 3/5
Y. -15/14
A. 33/26
E. -20/21
D. -4/9
T. 10/3
G. 2/9
I. -33/8
V. 3/8
O. -9/2
U. -2/21
N. -1/10
L. -2/9
P. 12
H. 3/7
R. 35/2
F. -7
Hugh and only Hugh can prevent florist friars
(You and only you can prevent forest fires)


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 41 Answer Key

Y. -1 1/2
O. 1 1/5
S. -2/3
E. -5/9
O. -4 2/3
R. 11/27
R. -9 1/2
C. -7 7/8
F. -7/20
K. 3
R. -21/62
K. -3
T. 1 1/2
S. -1/7
B. 40
For stocky brokers


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 42 Answer Key

  1. -1 7/15
  2. -1/5
  3. -9/28
  4. 2 1/4
  5. -2 7/12
  6. -2 1/2
  7. 3 1/3
  8. -5
  9. 5 11/24
  10. -4 7/30
  11. 7 4/5
  12. -36
  13. 5 11/36
  14. -4 3/8
  15. -1
  16. 5 5/7
  17. 4 9/20
  18. 1 3/5
  19. 1
   I W (I double you)


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 43 Answer Key

  1. 1 7/8
  2. 18 7/12
  3. 2 3/5
  4. 4 2/5
  5. 4 1/5
  6. 27 3/8
  7. 2 5/6
  8. 9 1/3
  9. 27
  10. 1/10
  11. 24
  12. 8400
  He had a suite tooth (sweet tooth)


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 44 Answer Key

These fractions are all equivalent to terminating decimals.

Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 44 Answer Key


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 45 Answer Key

Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 45 Answer Key


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 46 Answer Key

  1. 6.505
  2. -1.83
  3. -8.17
  4. 1.09
  5. 3.992
  6. -182.608
  7. -7.003
  8. 4.002
  9. -6.66
  10. 3.124
  11. -3.68
  12. 4.945
  Volunteers and good for nothing


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 47 Answer Key

W. 3.1
H. 11.288
N. 0.04
S. -26.15
V. -22.007
O. -8.538
A. 1.3
M. -22.043
K. 16.371
R. -479.409
T. 9.09
L. -0.194
E. 10
Real estate men have to know a lot


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 48 Answer Key

  1. -0.12
  2. 0.012
  3. 1.2
  4. -0.0012
  5. -0.24
  6. 0.24
  7. -0.024
  8. 0.024
  9. -24
  10. -2
  11. 0.0002
  12. -0.2
  13. 0.2
    I. 0.012
    S. 0.2
    E. 0.0002
    O. -0.24
    S. -0.12
    A. -24
    X. 1.2
    L. -0.2
    M. -2
    T. -0.024
    C. 0.024
    S. 0.24
    L. -0.0012
  Six lost camels


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 49 Answer Key

The best place to visit a popular restaurant is on the moon because there’s only one sixth of weight


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 50 Answer Key

  1. -16.25
  2. 2.7
  3. -19.67
  4. 0.325
  5. 194.7 degrees C
  6. 47.2 km
  7. 13.884 g
  8. -23.02 points
  9. -138.7 yards
  10. 146.3 degrees C
  He had harp failure


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 51 Answer Key

Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 51 Answer Key


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 52 Answer Key

Remains to be seen Sea for yourself We like clothes calls
I. 0.2
N. 0.04
F. -0.879
K. 6.556
T. -3.7
U. 4.39
A. -379
W. 0.083
C. 68
Y. -5.008
R. -4390
B. -275
O. 68.037
H. 2789.06
E. 800
M. -0.0079
L. 7.09
S. -70.9


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 53 Answer Key

The sloth mentioned in the next-to-last problem is the world’s slowest-moving land mammal.
G. -5.6
D. 0.27
G. 17.6
N. -0.083
O. -495
O. 8.08
R. -5.4
E. 0.0409
U. -1.8
O. -2.04
N. -75
D. -0.008
Y. 360
D. 32
H. 6.25
A. 40
On ground hog day


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 54 Answer Key

D. -34.64
S. -21.195
U. 0.602
E. -7.35
H. -17.437
B. -16.95
F. -43.12
O. 66.7
N. 65.394
W. 6
L. -43.081
R. 40.09
T. 43.61
A. -35.767
I. 0.272
P. -2037.5
If it were little, white, and round it would be an aspirin


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 55 Answer Key

R. 27.95
P. 0.34
L. 2.795
E. 17.574
U. -24.004
I. -70.6
A. 460.046
N. 0.1
S. -1.118
T. -65
O. -18.004
M. 4501
W. -0.43
G. 450.1
H. -432.526
Y. -0.04
Sleep with a hanger in your mouth


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 56 Answer Key

It is a “Z-row”
A. 67
B. -11
C. 40
D. 0
E. -2
F. -29
G. 48
H. -4
I. -45
J. 78
K. 33
L. -14
M. -3
N. 69
P. -51
Q. 92
R. 17
S. -75
T. 53
U. -37
V. -95


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 57 Answer Key

The missing link He went hay wire Pulling a fast one
A. -28
K. -45
T. 45
O. 7
U. -46
E. -61
Y. 14
G. -73
R. 2
M. 0
P. -98
H. 1
F. 5
W. -6
N. -8
S. 84
I. -9
L. 9


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 58 Answer Key

As a follow-up, you might have students identify the property or properties illustrated by each true equation.
True: M, O, V, I, E, S, A, R, E, A, R
fALSE: E, E, L, T, R, E, A, T
Movies are a reel treat


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 59 Answer Key

N. 8
Y. -7
A. -3
G. -6
L. 59
C. 20
S. -17
H. 19
R. 75
I. -4
W. 13
P. -19
E. 98
T. 50
Electricity is watts happening (what’s happeing)


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 60 Answer Key

Piccolo player as seen from inside piccolo
A. 2500
E. -680
F. 4050
R. 9577
M. -190
C. -2412
N. -4740
Y. 1425
D. -660
O. 8330
L. -8000
S. -2208
I. 0
P. -77


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 61 Answer Key

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Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 62 Answer Key

Caution students NOT to connect the last point in each group of problems to the first point in the next group. Also, you might suggest that students use a ruler to connect the dots.

  1. 49
  2. 16
  3. 36
  4. 1/9

lift pencil

  1. -8
  2. 0.25
  3. 1/64
  4. 10,000
  5. 0.01

lift pencil

  1. 64
  2. -8
  3. 216/125
  4. 0.0081

lift pencil

  1. 16/625
  2. -27/343
  3. 64
  4. 0.0001
  5. 10,000

lift pencil

  1. -1
  2. 16/625
  3. 0.0001
  4. 16

lift pencil

  1. 2197
  2. 0.0081
  3. -1
  4. -32
  5. 1/64



Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 63 Answer Key

  1. A
  2. R
  3. S
  4. E
  5. A
  6. E
  7. T
  8. A
  9. H
  10. F


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 64 Answer Key

7-A 17-R 2-O
10-U 19-I 21-D
9-O 5-I 16-E
13-E 6-S 4-L
14-T 11-R 15-T
12-L 20-R 8-F
3-W 1-F 18-B
Fowl is a four letter bird (four-letter word)


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 65 Answer Key

Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 64 Answer Key


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 66 Answer Key

  1. 1000
  2. 0.001
  3. 0.00000001
  4. 100
  5. 1,000,000,000
  6. 100,000
  7. 1
  8. 0.001
  9. 0.0000000001
  10. 0.0000000001
  11. 100
  12. 0.001
  13. 10
  14. 10,000,000
  15. 0.00000001
  16. 0.01
  17. 0.1
  18. 1000
  19. 1
  20. 10
  21. 0.000001
  22. 0.0001
  23. 0.00001
He was hit by a guided muscle (guided missile)


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 67 Answer Key

A nervous manor knight gown Breath analyzer
W. 106
A. 10-11
I. 105
Z. 10-1
O. 10-3
S. 10-6
L. 102
H. 10-5
Y. 100
U. 10-7
E. 103
K. 109
V. 10-8
F. 1012
S. 10-2
L. 107
G. 10-13
R. 104
N. 10-4


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 68 Answer Key

  1. 76,009
  2. 5,000,480
  3. 46.3
  4. 2050.071
  5. 40,000.8022
  6. 5.0004
  7. 700.006009
  8. 20.5071
  9. 4006.000036
  10. 4.0802
Foetune tellers have a lot on the ball


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 69 Answer Key

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Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 70 Answer Key

0.4 E
-2.47 H
76.084 T
5.9002 Y
-4.1 E
98.500 H
-0.76 V
7.80 A
56.0 O
-0.050 T
0.7476 W
9.00 E
-40.0 T
-60.009 F
1.00 L
75.18 E
-60.000 T
10.00 E
10.0 F
They have two left feet


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 71 Answer Key

V. 0.333
K. 0.571
O. 0.583
T. 0.688
W. 0.375
C. 0.5
D. 0.867
F. 0.889
S. 0.364
A. 0.07
Y. 0.833
U. 0.596
I. 0.594
B. 0.05
R. 0.667
E. 08
M. 0.680
H. 075
Have you ever heard of a home where the birthday cakes roam


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 72 Answer Key

You might wish to point out to students the pattern in problems 8, 9, and 10. For a special challenge, ask students to find the decimal equivalent of 1/8.(Answer: 0.0123456789)

1. 0.3

2. 0.5

3. 0.83

4. 0.446

5. 0.416

6. 0.428571

7. 0.48

8. 0.09

9. 0.18

10. 0.27

11. 0.185

12. 0.076923

13. 0.136

14. 0.6

People who make pillows really have to know their stuff


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 73 Answer Key

  1. 0.66 2/3
  2. 0.12 1/2
  3. 0.58 1/3
  4. 0.68 3/4
  5. 0.88 8/9
  6. 0.06 2/3
  7. 1.33 1/3
  8. 0.90 5/8
  9. 1.06 1/4
  10. 0.87 1/2
  11. 0.25 25/27
  12. 2.37 1/2
  13. 0.37 1/2
  14. 5.37 1/2
  15. 6.66 2/3
  16. 7.66 2/3
  17. 0.16 2/3
  18. 3.62 1/2
  19. 0.62 1/2
  20. 0.83 1/3
  Don’t let good food go to waist (go to waste)


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 74 Answer Key

Half heartedly Absent mindedly Woefully Off handedly
A. 14/11
T. 2/3
W. 4/9
Y. 4/3
B. 23./33
L. 11/9
R. 10/11
E. 136/99
S. 2/111
I. 51/333
M. 1/6
U. 2/15
O. 7/18
N. 2/55
D. 8/33
H. 80/333
F. 11/45


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 75 Answer Key

Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 75 Answer Key


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 76 Answer Key

  1. E
  2. S
  3. H
  4. O
  5. K
  6. T
  7. M
  8. A
  9. N
  10. I
  11. L
  12. W
A lion that makes its own wine


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 77 Answer Key

The price of beef is getting so high these days that many hot dog makers are finding it very hard to make both ends meat (both ends meet)


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 78 Answer Key

Before doing this puzzle, students may need practice changing answers like 15.75 X 10-9 back to scientific notation. Also, you might wish to discuss with students the implications of the last two exercises (e.g. food supply).

  1. 8 X 108
  2. 9 X 103
  3. 6.3 X 103
  4. 4.2 X 10-6
  5. 4 X 10-8
  6. 7.2 X 109
  7. 4.05 X 104
  8. 4.56 X 10-7
  9. 1.575 X 10-8
  10. 1.7 X 10-29
  11. 8.1 X 1013 km
  12. 2.5 X 105 g
  13. 2.475 X 1014 g
  There’s no police like Holmes (no place like home)


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 79 Answer Key

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Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 80 Answer Key

  1. 2.8 X 107
  2. 6 X 103
  3. 1.5 X 104
  4. 1.6 X 102
  5. 3 X 10-1
  6. 1.6 X 10-5
  7. 3.6 X 10-7
  8. 4 X 101
  9. 2.8 X 10-1
  10. 4 X 10
  11. 2 X 102
  12. 4 X 10-2
  13. 3 X 103
  14. 6 X 10-7
  15. 2 X 10-3
  16. 3 X 104
  17. 1.5 X 1010
  18. 2.5 X 100
  U.R.A.U.M.B.N (You are a human being)


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 81 Answer Key

The last number is the first 20 decimals of pi.
Rational: M A I D M A R I O N M
Irrational: A R R I E D A H O O D
Maid Marion married a hood (Robin Hood)


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 82 Answer Key

  1. O
  2. G
  3. E
  4. K
  5. T
  6. W
  7. I
  8. D
  9. L
  10. M
  11. S
  12. N
  13. C
  14. 4
  Making a long distance caw (call)


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 83 Answer Key

S. 1/3
N. 8/1
Y. 3/5
K. 3/2
F. 3/7
E. 4/1
I. 2/5
R. 9/8
G. 5/4
W. 3/14
T. 1/6
L. 8/3
U. 2/9
H. 60/13
D. 4/7
A. 72/127
O. 59/77
C. 19/26
Crocodiles are always looking for a handout


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 84 Answer Key

  1. 9
  2. 15
  3. 8
  4. 35
  5. 33
  6. 24
  7. 7.14
  8. 50
  9. 60
  10. 21
  11. 2
  12. 3
  13. 1 1/2
  14. 3 1/3
  15. 2 3/4
  16. 3 3/5
  17. 1 1/5
  18. 2 1/3
  19. 9/11
  20. 7/8
  Ruth rode on my motorbike
On the seat in back of me
I took a bump at fifty five
And rode on ruthlessly


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 85 Answer Key

A. 24
R. 12
B. 10
O. 7
E. 13 3/4
I. 2 1/2
A. 7 1/7
E. 4 2/5
U. 6 1/3
A. 4 5/7
N. 350
A. 6
K. 13 1/3
H. 11 1/5
T. 800
T. 18 2/3
C. 30
V. 1 2/3
M. 1 1/2
T. 1 3/5
Take a thumber vacation (summer vacation)


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 86 Answer Key

  1. 225
  2. 210
  3. 30
  4. 50
  5. 11 1/5
  6. 266 2/3
  7. 1 1/2
  8. 3 3/4
  9. 24
  10. 6 1/2
  11. 15
  12. 2240
  13. 2 1/10
  14. 360


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 87 Answer Key

(Since you are) Such a fantastic math student you will love working with percents
H. 35%
R. 40%
F. 150%
Y. 375%
D. 4%
G. 97.5%
L. 1%
V. 1/2%
O. 2/3%
K. 19%
M. 65%
N. 83%
I. 74%
C. 200%
E. 300%
P. 1.1%
A. 0.11%
U. 11%
W. 50%
T. 5%
S. 500%


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 88 Answer Key

A nervous wreck The king obese (of beasts) Long distance
C. 1/5
O. 1/2
A. 3/20
H. 67/100
S. 9/25
G. 3/4
I. 3/10
T. 2/5
K. 1/100
U. 3/2
W. 5/4
D. 1/3
N. 1/200
V. 5/2
L. 1/25
R. 2/3
B. 1/300
E. 1/50


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 89 Answer Key

  1. CO
  2. M
  3. PAS
  4. SE
  5. SA
  6. REA
  7. L
  8. WAY
  9. SS
  10. OL
  11. DW
  12. IT
  13. H
  15. EDI
  16. RECT
  17. ION
  18. S
Compasses are always sold with complete directions


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 90 Answer Key

Clock for telling what time it was
E. 70
N. 26
O. 45
A. 7
G. 84
R. 40
H. 2
K. 15
I. 7
S. 1.5
F. 4.25
M. 2.5
C. 72.3
W. 167
L. 230
T. 150.5


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 91 Answer Key

You might suggest that students use 1%, 10%, 50%, 100%, 150%, and 200% as benckmarks to aid in estimating. The authors have found that this puzzle makes a good activity for ther overhead projector.

  1. H
  2. E
  3. T
  4. I
  5. S
  6. U
  7. T
  8. E
  9. G
  10. E
  11. S
  12. H
  13. A
  14. T
  15. I
  16. O
  17. H
  18. N
  19. W
  20. D
  21. V
  She thought it was devine (the vine)


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 92 Answer Key

Gets the picture Can save your hide Will go out on a limb
G. 71%
N. 38%
U. 22%
M. 83%
S. 67%
Y. 42%
W. 6%
R. 53%
V. 88%
B. 24%
C. 77%
A. 117%
D. 144%
O. 173%
E. 233%
H. 248%
P. 8%
T. 9%
L. 7%
I. 3%


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 93 Answer Key

  1. 91.7
  2. 59.4
  3. 40.7
  4. 6.3
  5. 87.0
  6. 1.2
  7. 133.3
  8. 114.0
  9. 269.3
  10. 385.9
  11. 0.8
  12. 0.6
  13. 0.1
  Jumping to a conclusion


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 94 Answer Key

  1. E
  2. H
  3. O
  4. S
  5. A
  6. D
  7. 0
  8. E
  9. A
  10. S
  11. E
  12. R
  13. A
  14. I
  15. N
  16. I
  17. N
  18. I
  19. E
  20. N
  21. F
  22. W
  23. R
  24. V
  25. L
  26. B
An oven is where a loaf is bred (bread)


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 95 Answer Key

  1. 14.49
  2. 7.99
  3. 63.75
  4. 19.848
  5. 1.66
  6. 2.052
  7. 0.316
  8. 0.6955
  9. 0.21875
  10. 5.4027
  11. 33.75
  12. 0.76
  13. 7.404
  14. 0.0154
  15. 129.995
Smokey the Bear has a furry godmother (fairy godmother)


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 96 Answer Key

Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 96 Answer Key


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 97 Answer Key

D. $45
E. $33.75
U. $88
W. $84.15
H. $47.70
Y. $35.10
N. $92.40
S. $89.20
M. $53.91
A. $61.95
L. $52
O. $50.97
R. $56.07
P. $65.36
T. $54.34
C. $53.52
Two’s company and three’s cloud (a crowd)


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 98 Answer Key

E. 60
A. 36.75
R. 87.75
T. 140
L. 200
I. 135
O. 225
H. 4.50
G. 54
C. 19.50
N. 25.35
S. 21
B. 27.30
Cannonballs are big shots


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 99 Answer Key

Students might be interested to know that in the election discussed in problem 2, the candidate with the most popular votes (Cleveland) lost the election.
S. 0.675
O. 88,000
E. 0.0825
I. 0.0025
S. 65
Q. 6.416
W. 46.8
Q’s are weird O’s


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 100 Answer Key

View from an airplan of a used bathtub lot
O. 50
E. 25
N. 60
M. 10
I. 30
U. 200
D. 300
F. 400
W. 150
P. 80
S. 33 1/3
L. 44
V. 5
A. 175
T. 66 2/3
H. 12
R. 20
B. 6


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 101 Answer Key

The five states refferred to in problem 13 are: Alaska, North Dakota, Nevada, Wyoming, and Gawaii.

  1. 81 1/4
  2. 41 2/3
  3. 137 1/2
  4. 2 2/9
  5. 21 7/8
  6. 83 1/3
  7. 300
  8. 166 2/3
  9. 80 20/21
  10. 86 2/3%
  11. 77 1/3%
  12. 133 1/3%
  13. 90%
  14. 66 2/3%
  15. 4 1/2%
  16. 30 1/2%


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 102 Answer Key

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Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 103 Answer Key

Sluggish knot bad fare, just fare Really a drag
H. 200
U. 780
B. 130
E. 75
I. 80
T. 50
O. 60
L. 72
K. 36
Y. 24
J. 18
D. 198
R. 70
F. 12
N. 90
G. 25
A. 40
S. 100


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 104 Answer Key

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Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 105 Answer Key

Two elephants not on speaking terms
O. 11.96
R. 30
L. 72
S. 20.4
I. 75
H. 50
A. 11.9
G. 4
M. 24
W. 6.9
N. 85
K. 12
E. 11.5
P. 89
T. 99


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 106 Answer Key

K. 196
Y. 45
O. 200
A. 4.48
X. 16 2/3
I. 52
S. 144
D. 53 1/3
R. 450
C. 44
L. 7 1/2
V. 90
H. 0.88
T. 175
W. 300
E. 2.25
P. 12 1/2
N. 1.75
Hotel workers are very inn-experienced


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 107 Answer Key

  1. 20.9 kilograms
  2. 2%
  3. $7500
  4. 200 meters
  5. 35.03 kilometers per second
  6. 65%
  7. 1536
  8. $250,000
  9. 23 1/3%
A four loaf cleaver (four leaf clover)


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 108 Answer Key

  1. N
  2. U
  3. A
  4. W
  5. H
  6. O
  7. X
  8. S
  9. V
  10. E
  11. R
He was a nervous Rex (nervous wreck)


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 109 Answer Key

  1. 1/2
  2. 1/2
  3. 50
  4. 1/6
  5. 1/6
  6. 1/6
  7. 15
  8. 5/12
  9. 1/3
  10. 1/4
  11. 1/5
  12. 1/5
  13. 1/5
  14. 2/5
  15. 2/5
  16. 30
Be alittle boulder


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 110 Answer Key

E. 1/3
T. 1/4
I. 5/12
E. 1/12
L. 7/12
E. 3/4
S. 1/2
R. 1/6
H. 3/10
L. 7/10
A. 2/5
Y. 1/5
S. 1/10
H. 9/10
F. 3/5
H. 4/5
They are shellfish (selfish)


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 111 Answer Key

E. 3/10
N. 1/2
A. 1/10
I. 7/10
A. 5/12
N. 1/3
D. 1/6
N. 7/12
T. 1/4
A. 3/4
N. 1/12
U. 11/12
A. 6/13
S. 5/13
B. 1/13
L. 10/13
An unlisted banana


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 112-113 Answer Key

Unlike most puzzles, this mini-program provides instruction as well as practice. For maximum benefit, student will need to read and study it several times.

  1. I
  2. E
  3. S
  4. I
  5. E
  6. O
  7. A
  8. U
  9. Y
  10. T
  11. L
  12. N
  13. R
  14. W
  15. U


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 114 Answer Key

In the preceding puzzle, several different outcomes are labeled as the same event (e.g. six ways to get 7 with two dice). In this puzzle, each out come is considered a unique event (e.g. in tossing a coin twice, HT and TH are treated as different events).
1. 1/8
2. 1/8
3. 1/8
4. 1/16
5. 1/16
6. 1/2
7. 1/2
8. 3/5
9. 9/25
10. 6/25
11. 4/25
12. 6/25
13. 1/4
14. 1/8
15. 1/16
They are tearable


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 115 Answer Key

E. 24
A. 120
N. 5040
I. 144
S. 240
R. 6
H. 11
L. 9
U. 20
M. 30
T. 7
F. 336
O. 15
Z. 84
W. 21
D. 10
I am the wonderful wizard of odds (Oz)


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 116 Answer Key

A. 24
S. 720
D. 12
O. 40
I. 362,880
V. 90
L. 20
P. 15,600
R. 15,120
C. 9240
E. 9000
Icicles are eavesdroppers


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 117 Answer Key

For a special challenge, have students find the number of different 5-card poker hands that can be dealt from a 52-card deck (Answer: 2,598,960)
R. 10
O. 6
E. 15
T. 21
L. 1
D. 84
N. 20
S. 28
G. 5
I. 56
P. 36
F. 35
C. 70
H. 126
A. 45


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 118 Answer Key

>> Find Test of Genius Answer Here <<

Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 119 Answer Key

A. angle
I. degree
N. vertex
O. 90 degrees
U. right
S. interior
N. obtuse
G. complementary
T. adjacent
N. supplementary
D. acute
F. angle EOD
I. angle BOC
N. congruent
F. vertical
R. sides
It’s off and running


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 120 Answer Key

 >> Find Cryptic Quiz Answer Here <<


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 121 Answer Key

Thunderwear Too far to see A dead giveaway
R. 48°
U. 132°
V. 50°
A. 36°
Y. 31°
I. 33°
T. 40°
S. 30°
H. 80°
N. 35°
W. 66°
F. 105°
O. 130°
G. 55°
E. 90°
D. 95°


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 122 Answer Key

In addition to providing practice with a protractor, this puzzle might be used in discussing the angle measures of a polygon. For example, the quadrilateral, pentagon, and hexagon could be divided into triangles to show that the sum of angle measure must be 360°, 540°, and 720° respectively.
A. 63°
R. 32°
E. 85°
I. 17°
A. 24°
S. 139°
M. 29°
D. 164°
N. 77°
A. 90°
G. 82°
O. 136°
R. 100°
C. 104°
F. 118°
S. 96°
C. 150°
K. 93°
P. 115°
H. 159°
R. 107°
From chasing parked cars


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 123 Answer Key

1. N
2. C
3. E
4. G
5. A
6. I
7. K
8. W
9. R
10. H
11. U
12. L
13. S
14. P
He was presiing his luck


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 124 Answer Key

  1. 135°
  2. 135°
  3. 45°
  4. 45°
  5. 45°
  6. 45°
  7. 110°
  8. 110°
  9. 110°
  10. 70°
  11. 70°
  12. 110°
  13. 40°
  14. 140°
  15. 55°
  16. 55°
  17. 85°
  18. 115°
  19. 65°
  20. 65°
  21. 115°


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 125 Answer Key

Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 125 Answer Key


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 126 Answer Key

  1. polygon
  2. quadrilateral
  3. pentagon
  4. angles
  5. octagon
  6. decagon
  7. scalene
  8. isosceles
  9. equilateral
  10. right
  11. parallelogram
  12. rectangle
  13. trapezoid
  14. rhombus
  15. square


Note: You can visit Pre-Algebra With Pizzazz Answer Key starting page just by clicking that link in case you want to see the answers from the first onwards.


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 127 Answer Key

T. circle
I. center
S. radius
E. chord
U. diameter
I. half
T. central angle
E. arc
I. 110°
S. 250°
H. 150°
L. 210°
I. 30°
D. 330°
M. minor arc
G. major arc


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 128 Answer Key

  1. 35°
  2. 145°
  3. 80°
  4. 80°
  5. 35°
  6. 325°
  7. 145°
  8. 215°
  9. 90°
  10. 23°
  11. 67°
  12. 293°
  13. 90°
  14. 270°
  15. 90°
  16. 180°
  17. 100°
  18. 80°
  19. 80°
  20. 100°
  21. 260°
  22. 280°
  23. 260°
  24. 180°


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 129 Answer Key

It was pigeon towed


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 130 Answer Key

Two feet of his legs stuck out


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 131 Answer Key

Store detectives are counter spices


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 132 Answer Key

  1. H
  2. O
  3. I
  4. R
  5. T
  6. N
  7. E
  8. S


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 133 Answer Key

I. 11
T. 20
E. 9
N. 35
Y. 6
K. 3 8/9
O. 8 1/4
B. 2 2/5
R. 9 1/3
P. 5 3/5
S. 3.91
W. 1.92
H. 4.39
J. 2/3
A. 10
M. 12.5


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 134 Answer Key

O. 1.9
E. 8.6
Y. 14.7
A. 19
G. 81
I. 192
B. 1.5
S. 1.0
V. 13.0
U. 130
F. 200
T. 8
H. 0.8
X. 9.2
N. 7.0
C. 70
R. 167
P. 173


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 135 Answer Key

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Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 136 Answer Key

  1. 0.575
  2. 5750
  3. 470
  4. 93,300
  5. 80
  6. 3991
  7. 690
  8. 0.8
  9. 0.02005
  10. 6.9
  11. 4.7
  12. 7.02
  13. 0.00933
  14. 200,500
  15. 20
  16. 436,660
  17. 0.05
  18. 2000


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 137 Answer Key

Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 137 Answer Key


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 138 Answer Key

A. 19.7 m
T. 26.8 m
I. 18.6 m
J. 47.4 m
O. 37.7 m
U. 26.74 m
E. 34.6 m
D. 27.6 m
C. 39.2 m
S. 68.02 m
H. 135.97 m
Y. 10.3 m
N. 16.7 m
R. 50.8 m
G. 50.3 m


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 139 Answer Key

  1. 12
  2. 4.3
  3. 27.3
  4. 3.25
  5. 16.3
  6. 17.1
  7. 4 1/4
  8. 2.4
  9. 2.75
  10. 5 1/5
  11. 4.9
  12. 17 5/6


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 140 Answer Key

  1. 93.6
  2. 12.64
  3. 34.9
  4. 7.4
  5. 40
  6. 306
  7. 4.61
  8. 286
  9. 3.29


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 141 Answer Key

Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 141 Answer Key


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 142 Answer Key

  1. 28.26 m
  2. 77.1 m
  3. 47.4 m
  4. 14.28 m
  5. 80.8 m
  6. 26.534 m
  7. 75.36 m
  8. 31.85 m
  9. 30.84


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 143 Answer Key

E. 3
L. uncertain
Y. 2
S. 4
H. 1
A. 3
N. 6
E. uncertain
H. 2
I. 4
O. 5
E. 2
O. 6
V. 3
T. 5
A. uncertain
G. 4
E. 3
T. 1
E. 2
N. 5
T. 2
T. uncertain
R. 4
L. 3
D. 5
B. uncertain
N. 4


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 144 Answer Key

G   H   U
P   Q   DD
L   K   KK
J   W
BB   O   N
F   S
L   Y
M   Z
U   T   G
I   II
C   D   DD
EE   E   F
AA   A   B
Y   X   KK


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 145 Answer Key

  1. 2.16 cm
  2. 6.9 m2
  3. 8.06
  4. 0.439 m/sec
  5. 62.7778 cm
  6. 131.0 mm2
  7. 20.038 km
  8. 15.91 km/hr
  9. 0.0610
  10. 390.0 cm2
  11. 1.618 mm
  12. 180.00 km
  13. 0.0140 km/sec
  14. 2.0


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 146 Answer Key

H. 39
L. 22 1/2
U. 38
O. 40
I. 22
P. 34
F. 25 1/2
Y. 26
T. 25
R. 41 1/2
S. 29
E. 30


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 147 Answer Key

  1. 28 cm2
  2. 35 cm2
  3. 24 cm2
  4. 30 cm2
  5. 27.04 cm2
  6. 66.7 cm2
  7. 38.71 cm2
  8. 49.95 cm2
  9. 39.48 cm2
  10. 46.02 cm2
  11. 82.31 cm2
  12. 47.35 cm2


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 148 Answer Key

  1. I
  2. T
  3. H
  4. W
  5. A
  6. C
  7. E
  8. D
  9. M
  10. O
  11. R
  12. S


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 149 Answer Key

T. 15
O. 16
Y. 18
A. 17.5
G. 24.5
E. 27.2
I. 4.86
N. 0.11
D. 161.5
S. 36.48
B. 20.92
C. 0.291
L. 155
H. 1.125
P. 0.875


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 150 Answer Key

  1. 22.9 m, 19.14 m2
  2. 16.2 m, 8.25 m2
  3. 5.8 m, 1.445 m2
  4. 26.3 m, 16.65 m2
  5. 2.66 m, 0.3318 m2
  6. 26.43 m, 27.99 m2
  7. 16.7 m, 7.755 m2
  8. 69 m, 67.5 m2
  9. 21.75 m, 21.45 m2
  10. 5 m, 0.7125 m2
  11. 44.05 m, 41 m2


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 151 Answer Key

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Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 152 Answer Key

  1. A. 254.4 m2
    B. 69.66 m2
    C. 56.52 m
  2. A. 7.065 m2
    B. 3.5325 m2
    C. 4.71 m
    D. 9.42 m
  3. 2.7 cm
  4. A. 25.12 m
    B. 50.24 m2
    C. 163.52 m2
  5. 2.3 cm
  6. A. 400 m
    B. 2826 m
    C. 9174 m2


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 153 Answer Key

L. 24
G. 45
N. 60
R. 56
D. 36
E. 27
O. 64
U. 48
W. 72
F. 75
I. 630
B. 480
Y. 720
H. 2640
T. 2700
A. 336
P. 300
S. 340


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 154 Answer Key

  1. 360.8 cm3
  2. 268.45 cm3
  3. 1071 cm3
  4. 1.5 cm3
  5. 244.4 cm3
  6. 826.4 cm3
  7. 5832 mm3
  8. 3933 m3
  9. 420 m3
  10. 1.4 m3
  11. 3360 kg


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 155 Answer Key

  1. 364.5 cm3
  2. 199.2 cm3
  3. 102.93 cm3
  4. 2080 m3
  5. 97.92 cm3
  6. 590 m3
  7. 367.95 cm3
  8. 13,860 mm3
  9. 110.7 m3


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 156 Answer Key

  1. 144 cm3
  2. 48 cm3
  3. 30.6 cm3
  4. 10.2 cm3
  5. 720 cm3
  6. 30 cm3
  7. 0.18 cm3
  8. 170 cm3


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 157 Answer Key

  1. R
  2. I
  3. E
  4. S
  5. H
  6. F
  7. N
  8. B
  9. M
  10. K
  11. C
  12. O


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 158 Answer Key

R. 6
O. 8
E. -6
T. -8
C. 12
I. -7
Y. 7
H. 9
W. 3
D. 5
V. 10
K. 30
L. 40
M. -90
J. -120
P. 2
U. 23
N. 15
A. 80
S. 225


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 159 Answer Key

The students take only makeup exams


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 160 Answer Key

She wanted to be on the safe side


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 161 Answer Key

  1. S
  2. U
  3. I
  4. H
  5. A
  6. E
  7. C
  8. Y
  9. R
  10. K
  11. P
  12. N
  13. T


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 162 Answer Key

A. √100
O. √170
S. √205
N. √200
E. √289
T. √305
I. √225
M. √169
G. √477
U. √233
H. √61
L. √136
F. √65
R. √277
D. √625


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 163 Answer Key

  1. D
  2. V
  3. O
  4. E
  5. G
  6. A
  7. S
  8. O
  9. R
  10. U
  11. F
  12. T
  13. F
  14. E
  15. F
  16. L
  17. N
  18. H
  19. I
  20. A
  21. F
  22. E


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 164 Answer Key

  1. A. √130 cm
    B. √146 cm
    C. √80 cm
    D. √289
  2. √109 m
  3. √493 cm
  4. √52 m
  5. √1384 cm
  6. √505 km
  7. √3200 cm
  8. √97 m
  9. √15025 cm
  10. √676 m


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 165 Answer Key

Note: Answers are published in detail on the Greek Decoder answer page as well.


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 166 Answer Key

  1. A. √136
    B. √95
    C. √105
    D. √40
  2. √16200 feet
  3. √1275 m
  4. A. √144 m = 12 m
    B. 204 m2
  5. √260 feet
  6. √821 yards
  7. √3.24 km


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 167 Answer Key

  1. A
  2. T
  3. E
  4. C
  5. A
  6. D
  7. A
  8. E
  9. O
  10. I
  11. E
  12. T
  13. B
  14. E
  15. A
  16. W
  17. C
  18. T
  19. S
  20. N
  21. K
  22. R
  23. R
  24. F


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 168 Answer Key

L. 0.574
T. 0.176
E. 0.423
A. 0.342
I. 0.996
T. 1.192
A. 0.643
H. 75°
T. 0.819
E. 45°
T. 0.174
Y. 60°
O. 0.466
T. 55°
H. 8.66
L. 5°
R. 3.732
S. 40°
H. 0.259
P. 65°


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 169 Answer Key

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Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 170 Answer Key

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Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 171 Answer Key

  1. A. 142.7
    B. 153.3
    C. 139.0
  2. A. 38
    B. 80.5
  3. A. 137,900 km
    B. 44,278.6 km
    C. 56.3 km/sec
    D. 19.7 km/sec
  4. 4.0
  5. A. 34 cm
    B. 191.8 cm
    C. 13.8 kg
    D. 84.3 kg


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 172 Answer Key

  1. A. 45
    B. 2.7
    C. 15.5
    D. 5.6
    E. $5.10
  2. A. $100,000
    B. $20,000
  3. A. 89
    B. 1.66 m
    C. 7
  4. A. 8.7 cm
    B. 9.4 cm
    C. 2.4 cm


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 173 Answer Key

P. 2
A. 3
I. 7
E. 13
T. 10
A. 5
I. 5
Y. 7.5
E. 17.5
A. 32.5
H. 25
V. 12.5
Total: 40

L. 6
T. 16
Y. 14
C. 18
H. 20
S. 13
H. 8.5
F. 4.5
Total: 200


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 174 Answer Key

  1. N
  2. G
  3. A
  4. V
  5. L
  6. S
  7. E
  8. H
  9. M
  10. I
  11. B


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 175 Answer Key

  1. O
  2. I
  3. C
  4. E
  5. H
  6. U
  7. A
  8. R
  9. K
  10. T
  11. S


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 176 Answer Key

25% D $125 A 90°
21% O $105 E 76°
14% T $70 I 50°
C 40% E $200 S 144°
15% A 6 oz W 54°
26% O 10.4 oz H 94°
32% T 12.8 oz K 115°
10% W 4 oz H 36°
B 17% T 6.8 L 61°
N 100% S 360°


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 177 Answer Key

  1. 108°
  2. 76°
  3. 83°
  4. 61°
  5. 32°
  6. 86°
  7. 148°
  8. 22°
  9. 65°
  10. 40°
  11. 90°
  12. 72°
  13. 36°
  14. 119°
  15. 18°
  16. 25°


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 178 Answer Key

T. 3/8 O. 371/2% D. 135°
W. 1/12 N. 8 1/3% I. 30°
O. 1/4 T. 25% U. 90°
N. 1/8 S. 12 1/2% O. 45°
E. 1/6 T. 16 2/3% I. 60°
L. 8/25 O. 32% N. 115°
T. 1/3 W. 33 1/3% T. 120°
O. 21/100 K. 21% F. 76°
E. 3/25 C. 12% H. 43°
S. 1/60 D. 1 2/3% C. 6°


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 179 Answer Key

  1. 27
  2. Mr. Black –
    Mr. Brown –
    Mr. Green –
  3. 18
  4. $90
  5. Each figure is a numeral, 1-4, plus its mirror image. The next figure would be: ȸ
  6. $1.19
  7. 3 red – 8
    2 red -12
    1 red -6
    0 red – 1
  8. When they pass, they are the same distance from New York.


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 180 Answer Key

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Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 181 Answer Key

S. 17
F. 5
E. 28
I. 15
O. 23
T. 29
A. 13
Y. 11
I. 19
A. 26
S. 7
H. 21
E. 2
O. 32
T. 10
W. 18
I. 8
E. 16
H. 1
T. 20
X. 9
L. 3
P. 24
B. 12
N. 22
T. 6
E. 4
C. 27
B. 14
O. 30
L. 25
G. 31


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 182 Answer Key

  1. E. 62
  2. A. 23
  3. E. 49
  4. S. 51
  5. E. 83
  6. A. 34
  7. E. 44
  8. B. 65
  9. U. 188
  10. E. 66
  11. H. 72
  12. E. 48
  13. C. 108
  14. F. 142
  15. H. 63
  16. S. 41
  17. C. 93
  18. L. 101


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 183 Answer Key

M. 19
G. -11
P. 15
A. 10
C. 36
N. -79
T. 55
U. -48
S. 12
X. -18
F. -65
H. 25
E. -31
B. 32
I. 17
R. 44


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 184 Answer Key

  1. 5x
  2. -2y
  3. -6x
  4. 8y
  5. -10x
  6. -4y
  7. -9x + 7
  8. -y – 3
  9. x + 5
  10. 6y – 6
  11. -8x – 13
  12. -2y + 6
  13. 5x – 13y – 5
  14. -7x – 9y – 5
  15. 7x + 5y +5
  16. 4x – 2y -4
  17. -5x + y
  18. -x + 2y + 5
  19. 5x – 2y + 4
  20. 12x + 6y -12
  21. -x – 8y +5
  22. -2x + 5y
  23. x + 6y -7
  24. -3x – y


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 185 Answer Key

  1. E
  2. H
  3. E
  4. S
  5. S
  6. U
  7. L
  8. A
  9. L
  10. I
  11. H
  12. S
  13. A
  14. N
  15. I
  16. R
  17. E
  18. R
  19. G
  20. A


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 186 Answer Key

  1. 43
  2. -6
  3. -14
  4. 16
  5. 23
  6. -20
  7. -51
  8. 34
  9. 17
  10. 5
  11. -9
  12. 30
  13. -18
  14. 44
  15. -12
  16. 22
  17. 11


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 187 Answer Key

T. 18
A. 23
E. 2
H. 7
D. 25
I. 14
U. 11
F. 5
G. 28
D. 17
E. 20
V. 15
I. 26
O. 4
H. 19
E. 8
T. 6
N. 27
F. 1
B. 21
R. 12
E. 16
M. 9
N. 24
R. 22
W. 3
V. 13
S. 10


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 188 Answer Key

>> Find Did You Hear About Answer Here <<


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 189 Answer Key

Note: Below answers are also published in detail on the Daffynition Decoder answer page as well.

Meat loafer
Play buoy
Stalk broker

T. 6
U. -28
Y. 41
R. -79
F. -12
S. 10
E. 121
P. 48
K. -61
B. -20
M. -49
A. 12
O. -114
L. 14


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 190 Answer Key

Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 190 Answer Key


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 191 Answer Key

  1. L
  2. I
  3. E
  4. Y
  5. A
  6. S
  7. O
  8. K
  9. U
  10. R
  11. H
  12. N
  13. J
  14. D
  15. M
  16. C
  17. T


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 192 Answer Key

T. 11
E. 15
S. 25
O. 8
A. 20
N. 17
E. 2
U. 4
O. 26
S. 6
A. 16
R. 22
E. 24
H. 1
W. 9
D. 18
H. 12
E. 28
N. 10
T. 5
R. 21
E. 14
N. 27
D. 7
I. 23
P. 3
R. 13
C. 19


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 193 Answer Key

If a lady trips and falls the reason her brother cannot help her is that he cannot be a brother and assist her too (and a sister too)


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 194 Answer Key

C. 97
N. -10
E. -29
D. 18
S. -99
A. -69
Y. 10
Z. -18
T. 158
M. 160
G. 21
P. -39
O. 16
R. -19
W. -66
K. -20
I. 133
L. -13


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 195 Answer Key

S. -1
O. 9
I. 18
C. 2
T. 9
E. -4
O. -1
O. 3
A. 2
L. -5
K. 2
E. -1
T. 18
N. 3
A. -5
L. -5
C. -1
W. 3
M. -4
B. 2
M. -1


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 196 Answer Key

1. 320 H
2. 220 E
3. 60 O
4. 210 Y
5. 20 N
6. 31 F
7. 9 V
8. 170 L
9. 32 R
10. 15 C
11. 144 D
12. 6400 A
13. 0.24 G
14. 15.36 P
15. 75 C
16. 240 M


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 197 Answer Key

Yes: W H I S T L E R S M O T H E
No: R W A S F R A M E D
Whistler’s mother ware framed


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 198 Answer Key

  1. 2
  2. -2
  3. 7
  4. 4
  5. -1
  6. -2
  7. -10
  8. -5
  9. 4
  10. -3
  11. -2
  12. 4
  13. 7
  14. 9
  15. -2
  16. 8
  17. -3
  18. -7
  19. -8
  20. -4
  21. 3
  22. 6


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 199 Answer Key

H. -14
I. 12
O. 24
U. 13
E. -11
R. -35
L. -25
A. 34
P. -21
S. 27
Y. 64
C. -84
W. -24
N. 43
M. -17
T. 42


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 200 Answer Key

There are a lot of people in the world who are still trying to decide whether or not splitting the atom was a wise crack


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 201 Answer Key

O. 4
A. 7
D. 14
I. -6
S. -8
E. -3
M. -1
U. 9
P. 5
R. -21
L. -11
F. 2

I. 11
M. 2
A. -15
O. -13
E. -7
N. 24
H. 12
R. 25
W. -17
B. -4
T. -30
S. 6


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 202 Answer Key

  1. 14
  2. -12
  3. 28
  4. -40
  5. -24
  6. 45
  7. -39
  8. 56
  9. 42
  10. -72
  11. 60
  12. 200
  13. -198
  14. -50
  15. 180
  16. 54
  17. -55
  18. 144
  19. -9
  20. 38
  21. 96


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 203 Answer Key

 >> Find Cryptic Quiz Answer Here <<


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 204 Answer Key

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Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 205 Answer Key

Old mailmen never die, they just lose their zip
Old chemists never die, they just fail to react
Old burglars never die, they just steal away

H. 1 3/4
O. -4 1/3
Y. -2 1/2
T. 3/5
W. 10 1/2
E. 2/5
U. -5 5/7
G. -20
M. -44/9
N. 3 1/3
B. 1 5/6
P. -10
I. 7 1/5
F. -3/4
R. -8
Z. 6/7
C. 1 5/7
A. 6 2/3
L. -1/15
S. -4


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 206 Answer Key

Some farmers are selling something they call pirate corn because it costs a buck an ear (a buccaneer)


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 207 Answer Key

S. 5
M. -2
T. -7
U. 12
N. -4
A. 10
W. 6
I. 3
K. -15
L. -6
Z. 8
D. -1
Y. 9
P. -8
C. 18
F. -3
O. 7
B. 14
E. -5
H. 4
R. -11


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 208 Answer Key

>> Find Daffynition Decoder Answer Here <<


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 209 Answer Key

  1. -3/5
  2. 1 1/2
  3. -21
  4. 8
  5. -4/7
  6. 5 1/3
  7. -2 1/4
  8. -1/4
  9. -2 2/3
  10. 5
  11. -20
  12. -6 1/2
  13. 12
  14. 1 3/7
  15. 3
  16. -3 1/3
  17. 60
  18. -6
  19. 4 1/4
  20. 2 3/5
  21. -2 1/7
  22. -18
  23. 8/9
  24. -10


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 210 Answer Key

I. 4
E. -7
C. 1
F. 3
A. 6
S. -2
N. -4
J. 7
H. -3
O. -1
U. -6
D. 8
R. 2
Q. 18
T. -5
M. -13


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 211 Answer Key

  1. 1 3/5
  2. -2 1/2
  3. -2/3
  4. 1 1/4
  5. -5/12
  6. 13/14
  7. 10
  8. -5 1/2
  9. 7 1/2
  10. -1
  11. 7/15
  12. -5 1/4
  13. -4 5/8
  14. 3/16
  15. -1/5
  16. 7


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 212 Answer Key

  1. 3
  2. 6
  3. 4
  4. -2
  5. -9
  6. 13
  7. 5
  8. -8
  9. -2
  10. -14
  11. 1
  12. -7
  13. -3
  14. 18
  15. -21
  16. -7
  17. 10
  18. 3


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 213 Answer Key

D. 6
L. -3
N. 7
H. 2
A. -4
I. 10
B. -12
M. 5
P. -14
U. 8
T. 1
R. -25
E. -1
C. -9


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 214 Answer Key

F. 19
H. 7
E. 27
I. 14
S. 22
O. 18
S. 5
E. 26
H. 16
W. 3
I. 10
A. 24
G. 15
E. 8
T. 6
G. 11
A. 4
I. 21
T. 2
H. 20
R. 28
I. 1
L. 13
C. 23
H. 9
T. 17
R. 25
H. 12


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 215 Answer Key

I. 24
E. 21
A. -10
T. -12
Y. 70
I. -240
A. 48
T. 453
S. 15
T. 14
W. 600
R. 4200
K. 272
D. 80
R. 1800


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 216 Answer Key

  1. 8
  2. -4
  3. 11
  4. 5
  5. 54
  6. -3
  7. 16
  8. -32
  9. 6296
  10. 27
  11. 555
  12. 96
  13. 78
  14. 119


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 217 Answer Key

  1. 9, 36
  2. 11, 33
  3. 20, 27
  4. 14, 24
  5. 13, 18
  6. 8, 17
  7. 10, 58
  8. 15, 27
  9. 7, 26
  10. 32
  11. 12


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 218 Answer Key

  1. 4, 28
  2. 8, 21
  3. 30, 12
  4. 29, 38
  5. 5, 44
  6. 93, 20
  7. 31 m, 44 m
  8. 11, 59
  9. 24, 6, 15
  10. 10, 20, 19
  11. 4, 36, 39
  12. 30°, 70°, 80°


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 219 Answer Key

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Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 220 Answer Key

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Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 221 Answer Key

  1. N
  2. A
  3. H
  4. E
  5. O
  6. P
  7. R
  8. V
  9. B
  10. T


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 222 Answer Key

  1. D
  2. I
  3. G
  4. Y
  5. A
  6. H
  7. R
  8. L
  9. S
  10. U
  11. N
  12. F
  13. O
  14. P
  15. W
  16. E
  17. M
  18. J


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 223 Answer Key

  1. N
  2. L
  3. O
  4. U
  5. C
  6. S
  7. E
  8. G
  9. K
  10. W
  11. F
  12. N
  13. H
  14. E
  15. U
  16. U
  17. A
  18. S
  19. A
  20. I
  21. G
  22. P
  23. E
  24. L
  25. C


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 224 Answer Key

Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 224 Answer Key


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 225 Answer Key

The cross-eyed college professor who seemed to have absolutely no control over his pupils


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 226 Answer Key

  1. IF
  2. AN
  3. AX
  4. DROPS
  5. ON
  6. YOUR
  7. CAR
  8. YOU
  9. MIGHT
  10. HAVE
  11. AN
  12. AX
  13. DENT


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 227 Answer Key

  1. D
  2. O
  3. W
  4. I
  5. G
  6. A
  7. P
  8. V
  9. E
  10. T
  11. L
  12. N
  13. S


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 228 Answer Key

  1. O
  2. A
  3. T
  4. W
  5. N
  6. U
  7. Y
  8. V
  9. H
  10. B
  11. I
  12. E
  13. R


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 229 Answer Key

  1. G
  2. N
  3. H
  4. T
  5. U
  6. O
  7. L
  8. M
  9. I
  10. E
  11. B
  12. S
  13. A
  14. P


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 230 Answer Key

I never knew we both lived on the same block


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 231-232 Answer Key

Numbers are not printed along the x-axis, as it is felt students may benefit from doing this themselves. An over head transparency of this page may prove helpful in getting students started.

Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 231-232 Answer Key


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 233 Answer Key

Coordinate grids suitable for graphing these functions are provided on page 234.

  1. 10   26   S
    6   9   T
    0   3   E
    -2   21   D
    -10   15   H
  2. 3   32   L
    0   12   E
    -4   29   A
    -9   35   O
  3. 6   1   T
    3   24   L
    0   13   E
    -6   20   N
    -9   16   O
  4. -10   2   H
    -6   7   N
    0   25   E
    4   4   Y
    6   8   T
  5. -9   27   O
    -4   31   A
    1   11   R
    11   17   U
  6. 8   23   I
    -4   19   A
    -7   5   W
    -10   10   H
  7. 3   33   L
    0   6   E
    -5   22   M
    -6   36   N
  8. 10   18   S
    6   14   T
    0   34   E
    -8   30   G


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 235 Answer Key

Coordinate grids suitable for graphing these functions are provided on page 236.

  1. 10   E
    3   A
    -2   H
    -5   N
    -6   I
    -5   S
    -2   E
    3   O
    10   D
  2. 12   E
    5   T
    0   A
    -3   E
    -4   D
    -3   T
    0   S
    5   E
    12   I
  3. -9   B
    -2   A
    3   H
    6   S
    7   E
    6   U
    3   B
    -2   C
    -9   T
  4. 11   N
    1   W
    -5   E
    -7   H
    -5   S
    1   R
    11   K


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 237 Answer Key

  1. 6   L
    0   E
    -1   R
    -2   T
  2. 9   S
    -7   E
    28   O
    -124   T
  3. -3   E
    -15   L
    -35   A
    1   O
  4. 2   E
    5   H
    11   E
    101   U
  5. 25   E
    16   R
    49   E
    100   I
  6. 4   H
    -12   S
    900   V
    -1100   T
  7. 3   C
    7   N
    15   G
    63   H
  8. 8   D
    -24   G
    -8   C
    -6   V


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 238 Answer Key

  1. (2, 1)   (-2, 9)
    (3, -1)   (-1, 7)
  2. (2, 7)   (-1, -2)
    (0, 1)   (-3, -8)
  3. (-1, 2)   (3, 0)
    (5, -3)   (0, 0)
  4. (2, 5)   (1, 7/2)
    (-1/3, 3/2)   (-2, -1)
  5. (0, 2)   (-5, 1)
    (1, 2/5)   (2, 3)
  6. (-6, 2)   (-1/2, -1/5)
    (-1, 0)   (3/2, -1)


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 239 Answer Key

L. 6
F. 15
A. 10
U. 3
T. 12
E. 18
S. 8
Y. 1
D. 9
R. 13
V. 5
O. 16
M. 7
H. 17
B. 2
I. 14
N. 11
C. 4


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 240 Answer Key

Since the graph of each equation is a straight line, only two solutions are needed. The simplest solutions are of the form (x, 0) and (0, y).


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 241 Answer Key

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Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 242-243 Answer Key

  1. O
  2. E
  3. H
  4. M
  5. T
  6. C
  7. N
  8. Y
  9. L
  10. R
  11. A
  12. S


Pre Algebra With Pizzazz Page 244 Answer Key

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About Pre Algebra With Pizzazz

Pre Algebra with Pizzazz is a series of enrichment books published by McGraw-Hill authored by Steve Marcy & Janis Marcy.

This book really helps students to practice with skills and concepts taught in Pre-Algebra classes.

Pre-Algebra is a math course that typically comes before Algebra. In Pre-Algebra, students learn basic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

They also learn about fractions, decimals, percent, and negative numbers. Additionally, students begin to work with variables and expressions.

By definition, Pre-Algebra is the study of arithmetic and basic algebraic concepts. It helps students develop the ability to think abstractly and understand and solve problems in mathematical terms.


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