Reading Plus LEVEL E Answers 2025 [FREE Unlocks]

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Reading Plus LEVEL E Answers – All Stories Unlocked For FREE

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Reading Plus LEVEL E Answers Key

The Lottery Ticket

Q. Another title for this story could be
Ans: Money Changes Everything.

Q. As the story begins, the author lets the reader know that the Ivan Dmitritch
Ans: lives a comfortable, middle-class life.

Q. Which is true about Ivan?
Ans: He did not play the lottery.

Q. Based on this part of the text, what is Ivan’s opinion of the lottery?
Ans: He thought it was a waste of time and money.

Q. After viewing the ticket series in the newspaper, why does Ivan hesitate to find out if the ticket’s number is also printed in the newspaper?
Ans: He wants to keep the feeling of excitement and anticipation going.

Q. Ivan’s daydream about how his life will change after winning the lottery begins to turn unpleasant when
Ans: he begins to think about gray skies and rain ruining

Q. When his wife mentions she would like to travel abroad with him, what is Ivan’s reaction?
Ans: He begins to think about his wife traveling, which makes him upset.

Q. Ivan sees his relatives as
Ans: reptiles.

Q. Ivan becomes bitter when he thinks that
Ans: his wife may not share the winnings with him since the tickets belong to her.

Q. The author wrote this story most likely to get readers to think about what powerful force?
Ans: greed


The Mouse

Q. What is the main idea of this story?
Ans: It does not take much for a small problem to become a big one.

Q. From what you have read, how can Theodoric best be described?
Ans: He likes cleanliness and order.

Q. In this part of the story, who is “the rightful occupant of the clothes”?
Ans: Theodoric

Q. At what point did Theodoric finally decide to undress?
Ans: After the mouse began to bite him

Q. According to the story, what made the sleeping woman wake up?
Ans: She heard the blanket fall to the floor.

Q. Once she was awake, what was odd about the woman’s reaction to Theodoric?
Ans: She stared at Theodoric instead of calling the porter.

Q. Theodoric told the woman that he believed he was sick with malaria because he did not want the woman to
Ans: know the truth.

Q. This part of the story gives the idea that Theodoric is acting like
Ans: a deer running for its life.

Q. Why does the woman think Theodoric’s situation is funny?
Ans: She knows that he doesn’t realize that she is blind.

Q. Why would the author write a story like this?
Ans: to entertain


Bigger, Better, Faster, More

Q. What is the main idea of this text?
Ans: The engineering used to build some of the largest man-made structures

Q. Burj Khalifa is the name of
Ans: A building.

Q. Why is the Y­shaped design of the Burj Khalifa important?
Ans: It helps spread out the building’s weight and provides support.

Q. The glass windows used in the Burj Khalifa
Ans: are specially made and designed to hold up through powerful desert sand storms.

Q. Why is air quality such a major issue in the Laerdal Tunnel?
Ans: The tunnel can quickly fill with dangerous gas given off by cars.

Q. Studies have shown that people who drive in long tunnels can get so bored that they fall asleep. What features in the Laerdal Tunnel were put in place to prevent this?
Ans: Caverns that are specially lit to give the appearance of driving into daylight

Q. Based on how it is used in this part of the text, a “pillar” is
Ans: A part of a structure that holds up something else.

Q. Reread these two excerpts from the text. How were the construction of the Laerdal Tunnel and the Jiaozhou Bay Bridge similar?
Ans: Both were built using computers to calculate exact measurements.

Q. Which of these statements about the premade sections used in the Jiaozhou Bay Bridge is correct?
Ans: The sections were made before construction on the bridge began.

Q. At the end of this piece, the author’s tone suggests that
Ans: new structures will eventually be made that will be larger than the ones mentioned in the text.


Beating The Odds

Q. Which of the following is another good title for this story?
Ans: “Anything is Possible if You Believe”

Q. When NFL scouts saw Rocky play football in college, why did many think he was a poor choice?
Ans: They thought he was too small to be a good player.

Q. Reread this part of the story. Based on how it is used in the text, what does the word “drive” mean?
Ans: determination to achieve

Q. Where was Rocky when he was hit in the leg by gunfire?
Ans: in Vietnam, serving as a soldier

Q. As soldiers helped Rocky make the painful trip to the rescue helicopter, Rocky promised to
Ans: dedicate his life to helping others.

Q. Rocky didn’t tell anyone that the doctors said he would never play football again. Why not?
Ans: He didn’t want other people to determine what he could or couldn’t do.

Q. Based on this part of the text, which of the following sayings best describes Rocky’s recovery and return to the football field?
Ans: “Slow and steady wins the race.”

Q. The main reason that Rocky was able to start a game in 1974 was
Ans: another Steeler was injured and could not play.

Q. What was most impressive about Rocky’s football career?
Ans: that he had four Super Bowl victories, a first at that time

Q. Reread this part of the text. It is clear that Rocky is someone who
Ans: keeps the promises he makes.


Did Someone Say Chocolate?

Q. What is another good title for this story?
Ans: “The History of Chocolate”

Q. The author writes that life would be “a whole lot less sweet” without chocolate, because chocolate is sweet. What else does the phrase mean?
Ans: Life would be less enjoyable.

Q. Why do people think the Aztecs were the first to drink chocolate?
Ans: Scientists found traces of chocolate in cups from the Aztec period.

Q. How does this map help illustrate the story?
Ans: It shows where the people who discovered chocolate lived.

Q. What steps were involved in making the drink called “bitter water”?
Ans: First the beans were cooked, then they were crushed, and then they were mixed with water.

Q. What was the likely effect of the caffeine in
Ans: chocolate? It boosted people’s energy.

Q. What does the word “fortunate” mean in this part of the story?
Ans: wealthy

Q. The author states, “These days, most chocolate isn’t healthful or sustaining.” Which detail supports this statement?
Ans: Many factories churn out treats that have very little cacao and a lot of sugar.

Q. One of these paragraphs is from the story you just read, and one is from another story. How are the two alike or different?
Ans: One is nonfiction, and the other is fiction.

Q. Why does the author write, “If I can have your chocolate bar, that’s even better”?
Ans: The author loves chocolate.


Don’t Say Yuck!

Q. What is the main idea of this story?
Ans: Insects are an important source of food.

Q. What reason does the author give to support the statement “insects are healthier”?
Ans: Insects have more protein and less fat than meat.

Q. Which statement is true?
Ans: Earth has more insects than people.

Q. What does the word “raise” mean in this sentence?
Ans: Cause to grow.

Q. The story says, “By eating insects, you can help people get food.” How would this relate?
Ans: Land used for animal feed could be used to grow food for people.

Q. These parts of the story support which of the following
Ans: Bread has been eaten by cultures throughout history.

Q. What does the author mean by this?
Ans: There are many different ways to cook insects.

Q. A person raises insects so she can eat them. Why would she feed the insects?
Ans: To improve the taste of the insect.

Q. In years to come, what will most likely cause an increase in the number of people?
Ans: A growing population will need new sources of food.

Q. Based on what you have read in this story, what do you know about?
Ans: It is harmful to people and birds if eaten.


The Tale of Sir Ivaine

Q. This story is a legend. A legend is a tale that is handed down from earlier times and often includes a lesson. Based on this information and what you have read, what is the main idea of this tale?
Ans: to show the importance of honorable behavior

Q. The root of the word “fickle” comes from an old word that means “to be false” or “to be moveable.” Based on this root and how it is used in the story, what does the word “fickle” mean?
Ans: likely to change

Q. The knowledge that Sir Ivaine is “fickle…and sometimes forgetful” is important because it gives the idea that he will, at some point,
Ans: act in a careless way.

Q. In literature, elements from the natural world are often used to reflect powerful human feelings. Which of the following is an example of this?
Ans: “‘Then a great storm of wind and rain arose,’ he continued. ‘When the storm was at its height, the Black Knight rode up and began to attack me.'”

Q. What does the animal shown in this picture have to do with the tale?
Ans: Sir Ivaine saved a lion that was almost killed by a serpent.

Q. Legends often use animals to show the kind of behavior that is admired in humans. What behavior does the lion show?
Ans: loyalty

Q. Why is Sir Ivaine so sure that he will keep his promise to his wife?
Ans: because he loves her

Q. At what point did Sir Ivaine “lose his senses”?
Ans: after he realized he broke his promise

Q. What event caused Sir Ivaine to think clearly?
Ans: His wife forgave him.

Q. Based on what you know of Sir Ivaine’s character, what would most likely have happened if he hadn’t met and married the noble lady?
Ans: He would not have learned to keep his promises.


The Giant Builder

Q. A myth is a traditional story that is often used to explain something. What is being explained in this myth?
Ans: how trouble began in the world

Q. Sometimes in literature, a character is called by his or her title instead of by name. This kind of writing is called “synecdoche.” Which sentences from the story give an example of this?
Ans: Odin’s house was built of gold and set in the midst of a wood. For the safety of AllFather, it was surrounded by a roaring river and high picket fence.

Q. What does the name “Valhalla” mean?
Ans: “Hall of Heroes”

Q. The root of the word “narrow” comes from an old word that means “small” or “near.”Based on this root and how it is used in the story, what does the word “narrowly” mean?
Ans: closely

Q. Why were the gods doubtful about agreeing to the stranger’s price to build the fortress?
Ans: They were afraid they might lose Freia, the Sun, and the Moon.

Q. Which sentence from the story gives the idea that the stranger may be more than just a human man?
Ans: “His strength seemed as the strength of 100 men.”

Q. What animal was the stranger’s “four-footed friend”?
Ans: his horse

Q. Odin is upset with Loki mostly because
Ans: it was Loki’s use of trickery that put the city in danger.

Q. How do these two parts of the text work together?
Ans: They both show how different characters try to trick others.

Q. How was the item shown in this picture used by one of the gods in the myth?
Ans: Thor used an item like this to defeat the giant.



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