In this session, we will be discussing about Signing Naturally Unit 8 answers key that are absolutely FREE to view.
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Signing Naturally Unit 8 Answers Key
We will be discussing unit 8 in detail which includes sub-units 8.1, 8.2 to subunit 8.16, vocabulary videos, and fingerspelling tutorials.
Find the free answers to Signing Naturally Unit 8 questions below:

Signing Naturally Unit 8.1 Minidialogue Answers
Minidialogue 1
Signer A:
explain situation: David’s teacher asks that he remain in class to finish his story. His car is parked some distance away and his parking meter is about to expire.
request made: David asks John if he would take his money and feed the parking meter.
Signer B:
reason for declining: John is late for his class, and needs to go now.
Minidialogue 2
Signer A:
explain the situation: Suzanne bought a TV and a DVR, but the instructions for connecting them are written in a character-based language.
request made: Since Melvin has the same set, Suzanne asks if he can come to help her connect the TV and the DVR.
Signer B:
reason for declining: Melvin is also clueless about connecting the set. When he bought the set, the store sent someone to deliver and connect the set.
suggested solution: Call Chad because he knows how to do it and he is good at it.
Minidialogue 3
Signer A:
explain the situation: Suzanne doesn’t know how to order an ASL book online.
request made: Suzanne asks Amber if she can show her how to order the book.
Signer B:
reason for declining: Amber says she doesn’t know either, but they can try to learn how to do it together.
Minidialogue 4
Signer A:
explain the situation: Derrick has been waiting for his friend to come take him to work.
request made: Derrick asks if Melvin can drive him to work.
Signer B:
reason for declining: Melvin’s partner is using the car now.
suggested solution: Call Yellow Cab.
Signing Naturally Unit 8.2 Answers
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Signing Naturally Unit 8.4 Answers
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Signing Naturally Unit 8.6 Answers
Q. Write the Phone Number and Useful Numbers
Useful numbers:
Phone numbers:
411 – It will tell you the numbers or addresses of restaurants or companies.
511 – Call to inform them of construction or an accident
611 – You can tell them that the landline phones are down
911 – If there’s an emergency they will help you and take you to the hospital
Signing Naturally Unit 8.7 Minidialogue Answers
Minidialogue 1
situation: JT’s sister is getting married next month. He purchased a new suit for the wedding but the pants had to be hemmed first. He plans to pick up the pants up today.
what was forgotten: He forgot to bring the receipt (claim check) with him.
advice given: Call the store to see if he can pick the pants up without the receipt.
Minidialogue 2
situation: Because of a recent rash of burglaries in her neighborhood, Terrylene and her husband decided to install a new alarm system in their house.
what was forgotten: Terrylene forgot to set the alarm this morning, just realized it when she got to work.
advice given: To keep her fingers crossed that no one will break into her house and steal anything, or to cal the alarm company and ask them to set it for her.
Minidialogue 3
situation: Last night, Tonique used her laptop to film herself for a test. This morning she took her USB (flash drive) with her to school.
what was forgotten: Tonique forgot to transfer the video from her laptop to her USB.
advice given: Ask her teacher if she can email her the video after class this afternoon.
Signing Naturally Unit 8.9 – 8.14 Answer Key PDF
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Signing Naturally Unit 8 Vocabulary Answers
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About Signing Naturally Unit 8
Signing Naturally Unit 8 focuses on introducing and practicing advanced ASL grammar and discourse strategies. It covers topics such as making requests, asking for advice, discussing stories with a partner using the narrative form, expressing personal events in story format, and expressing opinions.
Additionally, students learn to use more complex classifiers, role shift in storytelling contexts and incorporate ASL literature into their signing. The unit also introduces advanced concepts such as ASL poetry and storytelling techniques.
Throughout the unit, students practice their signing skills by creating stories, participating in class discussions, and performing dialogues with a partner. They should also be able to comprehend and produce stories utilizing more complex classifiers, role shifts, and ASL literature.
By the end of Unit 8, students should have an increased understanding of complex ASL grammar and be able to effectively express themselves through discourse strategies. The end result is a solid foundation for continuing to expand their signing skills through further study.
Hope you find all the exclusive Signing Naturally unit 8 answers key PDF along with different subunits. Share with other students if you find it helpful.

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