SQLZoo Join Quiz Answers 2024 [FREE ACCESS]

As the title says, we are going to show you the right SQLZoo Join quiz answers for the same topic.

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SQLZoo Join Quiz Answers – Part 1 & Part 2 Quizzes Revealed

We have revealed the answers to all the SQLZoo Join Quizzes below:

Note: In case, if you have anything to share related to this topic let us know through the comment box below.

SQLZoo Join Quiz Answers

SQLZoo Join Quiz AnswersPART 1

Find the quiz answers below:

Q. You want to find the stadium where player ‘Dimitris Salpingidis’ scored. Select the JOIN condition to use:
Ans: game JOIN goal ON (id=matchid)

Q. You JOIN the tables goal and eteam in an SQL statement. Indicate the list of column names that may be used in the SELECT line:
Ans: matchid, teamid, player, gtime, id, teamname, coach

Q. Select the code which shows players, their team and the amount of goals they scored against Greece(GRE).
SELECT player, teamid, COUNT(*)
FROM game JOIN goal ON matchid = id
WHERE (team1 = “GRE” OR team2 = “GRE”)
AND teamid != ‘GRE’
GROUP BY player, teamid

Q. Select the result that would be obtained from this code:
SELECT DISTINCT teamid, mdate
FROM goal JOIN game on (matchid=id)
WHERE mdate = ‘9 June 2012’

DEN9 June 2012
GER9 June 2012

Q. Select the code which would show the player and their team for those who have scored against Poland(POL) in National Stadium, Warsaw.
SELECT DISTINCT player, teamid
FROM game JOIN goal ON matchid = id
WHERE stadium = ‘National Stadium, Warsaw’
AND (team1 = ‘POL’ OR team2 = ‘POL’)
AND teamid != ‘POL’

Q. Select the code which shows the player, their team and the time they scored, for players who have played in Stadion Miejski (Wroclaw) but not against Italy(ITA).
SELECT DISTINCT player, teamid, gtime
FROM game JOIN goal ON matchid = id
WHERE stadium = ‘Stadion Miejski (Wroclaw)’
AND (( teamid = team2 AND team1 != ‘ITA’) OR ( teamid = team1 AND team2 != ‘ITA’))

Q. Select the result that would be obtained from this code:
SELECT teamname, COUNT() FROM eteam JOIN goal ON teamid = id GROUP BY teamname HAVING COUNT() < 3

Republic of Ireland1


SQLZoo Join Quiz AnswersPART 2

Find the quiz answers below:

Q. Select the statement which lists the unfortunate directors of the movies which have caused financial loses (gross < budget)
FROM actor INNER JOIN movie ON actor.id = director
WHERE gross < budget

Q. Select the correct example of JOINing three tables
FROM actor JOIN casting ON actor.id = actorid
JOIN movie ON movie.id = movieid

Q. Select the statement that shows the list of actors called ‘John’ by order of number of movies in which they acted
SELECT name, COUNT(movieid)
FROM casting JOIN actor ON actorid=actor.id
WHERE name LIKE ‘John %’

Q. Select the result that would be obtained from the following code:
SELECT title
FROM movie JOIN casting ON (movieid=movie.id)
JOIN actor ON (actorid=actor.id)
WHERE name=’Paul Hogan’ AND ord = 1
Ans: Table-4

Q. Select the statement that lists all the actors that starred in movies directed by Ridley Scott who has id 351
FROM movie JOIN casting ON movie.id = movieid
JOIN actor ON actor.id = actorid
WHERE ord = 1 AND director = 351

Q. There are two sensible ways to connect movie and actor. They are:
– link the director column in movies with the primary key in actor
– connect the primary keys of movie and actor via the casting table

Q. Select the result that would be obtained from the following code:
SELECT title, yr
FROM movie, casting, actor
WHERE name=’Robert De Niro’ AND movieid=movie.id AND actorid=actor.id AND ord = 3
Ans: Table-B


=> Browse Other SQLZoo Quiz Answers Here For FREE 


About SQLZoo Join

SQL Joins are used to combine data from two or more tables into a single result set. There are four different types of SQL Joins: Inner Join, Outer Join, Left Join, and Right Join. Each type of SQL Join has its own purpose and can be used in different situations.

Inner Join: An Inner Join returns all rows from both tables that meet the join condition.

Outer Join: An Outer Join returns all rows from both tables, even if they don’t meet the join condition.

Left Join: A Left Join returns all rows from the left table, even if they don’t meet the join condition.

Right Join: A Right Join returns all rows from the right table, even if they don’t meet the join condition.

In SQLZoo, we can find one of the best quiz programs related to “Join”.


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