FEMA ICS 400 Test Answers 2025 [FREE ACCESS]

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FEMA ICS 400 Test Answers Key – 110+ Q&A Revealed

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FEMA ICS 400 Test Answers

FEMA ICS 400 Test Answers – Final Exam Sample Paper 1

Q. What type of structure is established over several individual incidents?
Ans: Incident Complex

Q. In the context of incident management, complex incidents generally:
Ans: Involve multi-jurisdictional efforts of more than one agency

Q. _ is an organization that oversees the management of multiple incidents. Examples include 2 or more HM spills, fires, etc.
Ans: Area Command

Q. What is an advantage of activating an Area Command?
Ans: Resolves the resource competition between incidents.

Q. When should an Area Command be established?
Ans: When incidents are using similar and limited critical resources.

Q. Which responsibility outlines an Area Command’s primary function?
Ans: Coordinate development of incident objectives and strategies for each incident.

Q. Assessing incidents and allocating resources are two of the three most critical responsibilities of the Area Commander. What is the third?
Ans: Establishing resource priorities

Q. What is the delegated authority that directs the use of agency resources?
Ans: Command

Q. What term is a NIMS guiding principle that states everyone involved in incident management reports to and takes direction from only one person?
Ans: unity of command

Q. MAC Groups are frequently defined ______, especially when an emergency crosses jurisdictional boundary.
Ans: geographically

Q. MAC Groups may be established by a/an ____ as part of its EOC function.
Ans: single jurisdiction

Q. The Command and Coordination component of NIMS includes four NIMS Functional Groups: ICS, EOCs, and Joint Information Systems. What is the fourth?
Ans: MAC Groups

Q. What NIMS Functional Group integrates incident information and public affairs into a cohesive organization to provide coordinated and complete information before, during, and after incidents?
Ans: Joint Information Systems

Q. Of the agencies listed, what decision-making agency may provide multiagency coordination?
Ans: Crisis actions teams

Q. From the list below, what location is responsible for collecting, analyzing, and sharing incident information?
Ans: Emergency Operations Center (EOC)

Q. EOCs provide coordinated support to on-scene personnel, other EOCs, and _.
Ans: incident command

Q. Why are MAC Groups established and organized?
Ans: To make policy-level decisions during incidents

Q. When an incident complex is established over several individual incidents, what happens to the previously identified incidents?
Ans: They become branches or divisions within the Operations Section of the incident complex.

Q. Which of the following factors are characteristic of a complex incident?
Ans: The incident draws national media interest.

Q. Why would an Area Command be activated during an incident?
Ans: Because multiple incidents are competing for similar resources.

Q. What is the advantage of using Area Command?
Ans: Allows the Incident Commanders to focus their attention on their incident objectives, strategies, and tactics.

Q. Regarding EOC and MAC Groups, what is an advantage of activating Area Command?
Ans: Reduces the workload of the EOCs/MAC Group officials.

Q. What type of activation should be considered when incidents will continue into the next Operational Period?
Ans: Area Command

Q. Which responsibility outlines an Area Command primary function?
Ans: Establish critical medical priorities between various incidents.

Q. During an Area Command activation, whose responsibility is it to set broad objectives and coordinate effective data communications?
Ans: Area Commander

Q. What is the exchange of information systematically among principals who have or may have a need to know certain information to carry out specific incident management responsibilities?
Ans: Coordination

Q. In NIMS 2017, what term is broadened to include the Command and Coordination architecture for tactical coordination (ICS), operational support coordination (EOCs), policy level coordination (MAC Group) and their support through coordinated information (JIS)?
Ans: Multiagency Coordination System (MACS)


FEMA ICS 400 Test Answers – Final Exam Sample Paper 2

Q. Command and Coordination component of NIMS includes four Functional Groups: EOCs, Multiagency Coordination Groups, and Joint Information Systems. What is the fourth?
Ans: Incident Command System

Q. What NIMS Functional Group consists of the processes, procedures, and tools to enable communication to the public, incident personnel, the media, and other stakeholders?
Ans: Joint Information System

Q. Of the agencies listed, what operations/support agency may provide multiagency coordination?
Ans: EOCs

Q. Which of these have the responsibility to support resource prioritization and allocation during incidents?
Ans: MAC Group

Q. To improve interagency coordination, what organization within a Multi-Agency Coordination is applied when there is more than one agency with jurisdiction over an incident?
Ans: Unified Command

Q. MAC Groups are formed for their decision-making elements, while EOCs are formed for _.
Ans: facilities and operations support

Q. The term “major or complex incident” may have different meanings to different agencies depending upon the size of the jurisdiction, the number of resources available, and other variables.List two characteristics of major or complex incidents:

Q. The act of directing, ordering, or controlling by virtue of explicit statutory, regulatory, or delegated authority is the definition of:
Ans: Command

Q. What type of ICS structure is illustrated below?
Ans: Incident Complex

Q. State one reason why a single incident may be divided into separate incidents.
Ans: Any one of the following reasons or another item with a meaning similar to those listed below:
– When an incident spreads into other jurisdiction(s) and Unified Command is not feasible.
– When it is difficult to manage from one location due to terrain and access.
– When an incident has objectives that are naturally separated into two operations.
– When the Planning Section, even with additional resources, can no longer adequately provide planning services.

Q. When Branch Tactical Planning is implemented, then:
Ans: A Branch within the Operations Section develops detailed action plans while the PlanningSection provides support and coordination.

Q. An incident is geographically dispersed, and it is not feasible for the incident base to support the incident logistical needs. Assuming that you do not want to divide the incident in two separate incidents, what is another option for managing this incident?
Ans: Establish a second Logistics Section reporting to a Deputy Incident Commander (Logistics).

Q. Area Command should:
Ans: Be staffed with qualified and experienced personnel.

Q. A common operating picture (COP):
Ans: Is a single set of critical incident information that is shared by all responders andorganizations.

Q. Select the TRUE statement:
Ans: When Area Command is established, the Incident Commander(s) report to the AreaCommander.

Q. Review the following overall responsibilities of the Area Commander. Write in the missing responsibility:
#Set overall objectives.
#Ensure objectives are met and do not conflict with each other or agency policy.
#Allocate/reallocate critical resources.
#Ensure that incident management teams are qualified.
#Coordinate the demobilization of assigned resources.
#Coordinate with Agency Administrator, EOC, other entities, and the media.
Ans: Establish priorities

Q. A multiagency coordination system:
Ans: Integrates facilities, equipment, and personnel that are responsible for coordinating andsupporting incident management.

Q. Within a Multiagency Coordination System, the policy-level group:
Ans: Consists of agency representatives with decisionmaking authority.

Q. What facility is established to coordinate all incident-related public information activities, and servesas the central point of contact for all news media at the scene of the incident?
Ans: Joint Information Center

Q. Which of the following factors is a characteristic of a complex incident?
Ans: Includes widespread damage to property/environment/economy.

Q. Why might an Area Command be activated during an incident?
Ans: To oversee the management of a very large incident that has multiple Incident management Teams assigned to it.

Q. What is an advantage of using Area Command? Advantages include:
Ans: Coordination between incidents.

Q. What type of activation should be considered when multiple incidents are using similar and scarce resources?
Ans: Area Command

Q. NIMS defines __ as the exchange of information systematically among principals who have or may have a need to know certain information to carry out specific incident management responsibilities.
Ans: Coordination

Q. Which of the following roles does the MAC Group normally fill?
Ans: Establishing incident management policies and priorities

Q. Coordinating interagency and intergovernmental issues regarding incident management policies, priorities, and strategies is the role of?
Ans: The MAC group


FEMA ICS 400 Test Answers – Final Exam Sample Paper 3

Q. The Command and Coordination component of NIMS includes four NIMS Functional Groups: Emergency Operations Centers, Multiagency Coordination Groups, and Joint Information Systems. What is the fourth?
Ans: Incident Command System

Q. What NIMS Command and Coordination component consists of the processes, procedures, and tools to enable communication to the public, incident personnel, the media, and other stakeholders?
Ans: Joint Information System

Q. Of the entities listed, which is where staff from multiple agencies typically come together to provide coordinated support to on-scene personnel?
Ans: Emergency Operations Center

Q. Which of these consist of representatives from stakeholder agencies/organizations and is established to make cooperative multiagency decisions?
Ans: MAC Group

Q. To improve interagency coordination, what Incident Command System application is applied when there is more than one agency with jurisdiction over a single incident?
Ans: Unified Command

Q. EOC Coordination functions may include: Collecting and analyzing information, sharing information, and?
Ans: Supporting resource needs and requests

Q. Once an Area Command is activated, whose responsibility is it to ensure conflicts are resolved, incident objectives are established, and strategies are selected for scarce resources?
Ans: Area Commander

Q. Joint Information System
Ans: Consists of the processes, procedures and tools to enable communication to the public, incident personnel, the media and other stakeholders.

Q. What type of structure may be established when 2 or more individual incidents located in the same general area, are assigned to a single IC or US?
Ans: Incident Complex

Q. _____is an organization that is activated to address competition for resources among multiple ICPs based on the complexity of the incident.
Ans: Area Command

Q. What is one scenario when Area Command should be established?
Ans: When there are several active incidents that are close in proximity and using similar and limited critical resources.

Q. Which Responsibility outlines one of Area Command’s primary function?
Ans: Develop broad objectives for the affected area

Q. What is defined by NIMS as “the act of directing, ordering, or controlling by virtue of explicit statutory, regulatory, or delegated?
Ans: Command

Q. Of the Common Coordination Organizations listed, which is a decision-making agency versus a Facilities/Operations Support element?
Ans: Crisis action teams

Q. Emergency Operations Centers (EOCs) provide coordinated support to on-scene personnel, other EOCs, and ____
Ans: Incident Command

Q. Branches or Divisions within the Operations Section of an Incident Complex
Ans: When several incidents are combined to become an Incident Complex, the previous individual incidents become these.

Q. Characteristics of a Complex Incident
Ans: Multiple Victims/Fatalities, Widespread Damage to property/environment/economy, Span Multiple Operational Periods (weeks or months), Draw National Media Attention, and May Require Federal Assistance

Q. In What do you communicate priorities to Commander and ensure plans support priorities?
Ans: Area Command Critical activities

Q. Where staff from MULTIPLE agencies typically come together to address imminent threats etc?
Ans: EOC

Q. List one criterion that a multiagency group may use when establishing priorities.
Ans: Any one of the following criteria or another item with meaning similar to those listed below:
– Real property threatened
– High damage potential
– Incident complexity
– Environmental impact

Q. Stafford Act (1988)
Ans: Outlines the responsibilities of government at all levels in the response to a disaster. Provides for the Disaster Declaration process and reimbursement for declared disasters.

Q. How does the use of Area Command facilitate the job of the IC and agency officials?
Ans: Area Command communicates agency policies, priorities, constraints, and guidance to Incident Commanders implementation across all incidents.

Q. MAC Group Organizations
Ans: Can be organized functionally (law-enforcement, fire, etc.), geographically, regionally or nationally to coordinate and support operations.

Q. A SINGLE jurisdiction may establish a MAC group as part of its ______________function.
Ans: EOC

Q. In NIMS 2017, what term encompasses the architecture for tactical coordination (ICS), operational support coordination (EOCs), policy-level coordination (MAC Group), and their support through coordinated information through the Joint Information System(JIS)?
Ans: Command and Coordination


FEMA ICS 400 Test Taking Tips

FEMA ICS-400 Advanced ICS provides the training & resources for personnel who require advanced application of ICS. This course expands upon information covered in ICS-100 through ICS-300. Check the following link to find answers for those topics >> https://answerkeyfinder.com/fema-ics-test-answers-key-online/

Once you have the answers for FEMA ICS 400 Test (check sample Q&A from above list) then it is equally important to follow the tips we are providing below in order to pass with more confidence:

  • You will be required to enter your Social Security number at the completion of FEMA ICS 400 test.
  • Also note that, if you do not wish to submit your Social Security number, you will need to request an alternative ID number from the official FEMA site.
  • Please print each page after answering the questions and before proceeding to the next page, keep a copy of your test answers.
  • Complete All answers and the Enrollment Form then submit.
  • To mark an answer, click on the empty circle after your answer choice so a black dot appears. Clicking on a different circle will change your answer.
  • Please be advised that when you go to take the final test online keep in mind that the exam may be in a different order than the questions provided above.
  • To ensure that you pass the FEMA ICS 400 test, please read each question online and be aware of the order of the answers. This will ensure that you are answering the questions correctly.
  • The FEMA website does occasionally mix up the questions and the order of the answers.

So, that’s it. ALL THE BEST!

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