In this session, we will be discussing iCivics Philosophically Correct Answer Key PDF which is absolutely FREE to view.
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iCivics Philosophically Correct Answer Key PDF
Find the free PDF with answers to iCivics Philosophically Correct Lesson Plan questions below:
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You can find answer keys for other grade 9-12 topics below:
=> Double Take: The Dual Court System
=> Changing The Constitution
=> Trying Self Government
Note: In case, you have anything to share related to this topic let us know through the comment box below.
About iCivics Philosophically Correct Lesson Plan
iCivics Philosophically Correct is a lesson plan that helps students explore the different philosophical theories about government. The lesson plan introduces students to the following philosophers and their theories:
- Thomas Hobbes: Hobbes believed that people are naturally selfish and would be in a state of constant war if there was no government. He argued that government is necessary to keep people from harming each other and to provide for their basic needs.
- John Locke: Locke believed that people are born with natural rights, such as the right to life, liberty, and property. He argued that government is created by the people to protect their natural rights.
- Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Rousseau believed that people are naturally good and that government should be based on the consent of the governed. He argued that government should be designed to promote the common good of all people.
The lesson plan then asks students to consider the following questions:
- What are the different purposes of government?
- What are the different forms of government?
- What are the different ways that government can be legitimate?
Students are then asked to write a short essay in which they explain their own philosophical view of government (answers are revealed in the PDF that is attached above).
Here are some examples of philosophically correct answers to the questions posed in the lesson plan:
- Purpose of government: The purpose of government is to protect the rights and freedoms of its citizens and to promote the common good.
- Forms of government: There are many different forms of government, including democracy, monarchy, aristocracy, and dictatorship.
- Legitimacy of government: A government is legitimate when it is based on the consent of the governed and when it acts in the interests of the people.
Students can also explore the different philosophical theories about government in more depth. For example, they can read the works of Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau, or they can watch documentaries or videos about different political philosophies.
By exploring different philosophical theories about government, students can develop a deeper understanding of the role of government in society and of their own political beliefs.
Hope you find iCivics Philosophically Correct Answer Key PDF for free. Share with your batchmates/friends if you find it helpful.

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