Machines Get Smarter ReadWorks Answer Key 2025 [Free Access]

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Machines Get Smarter ReadWorks Answer Key

Machines Get Smarter ReadWorks Answer Key

Following are the answers to the article “Machines Get Smarter“-

Q.1. What does AI stand for?
Ans: artificial intelligence

Q.2. How does the author describe “machine intelligence”?
Ans: as a computer’s ability to digest massive amounts of data quickly and sort the results according to complicated rules

Q.3. Read the following sentences from the passage. “Advanced AI takes things even further. Today, programs can “teach” themselves—learning from their mistakes, changing the way they process data to improve their performance… What can you conclude about machine learning based on this information?
Ans: Programs that use machine learning probably perform better than programs that depend on humans for corrections or improvement.

Q.4. How do you think the author would describe the future of AI?
Ans: as likely to keep getting smarter

Q.5. What is the main idea of this passage?
Ans: Algorithms have already helped machines perform complex tasks, and as machine learning gets more advanced, machines are getting closer to being able to think, too.

Q.6. Read the following sentences from the passage. “For example, in March 2020, scientists used AI to analyze 40,000 articles about the coronavirus in order to find trends in research that might lead to a treatment. As used in the sentence, what does the word “analyze” most closely mean?
Ans: examine and interpret something

Q.7. Please choose the answer that best completes the sentence below. Scientists used AI to analyze coronavirus research trends, _ the algorithms used were not built for that specific purpose.
Ans: even though

Q.8. Describe the process of machine learning. Use details from the text to support your description
Ans: Machine learning programs can “teach” themselves—learning from their mistakes, changing the way they process data to improve their performance. The programs can then act without any further input from human beings, making decisions based on data.

Q.9. Which involves more human input, basic algorithms, or machine learning? Support your answer with evidence from the text
Basic algorithms rely more on human input. They can digest and sort huge amounts of data but need human input to do so. Machine learning programs do not rely on human input because they can “teach” themselves by learning from their mistakes, so they can act without human input by basing their decision on data.

Q.10. Imagine you were building a robot that could perform surgery on its own. Would you rather have it rely on a basic algorithm with a human supervisor, or on a program that uses machine learning? Support your argument with details from the text
Ans: Answers may vary but should include evidence from the text. If students argue that their robot should rely on a basic algorithm, they might talk about the fact that there’s no threat of basic algorithms getting “smarter” than humans. If they argue for machine learning, they might talk about how machine learning programs correct their own mistakes and can make decisions based on data.


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In ReadWorks, Machines Get Smarter is a hot topic that comes under Content > Grade 8


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