In this session, we will be revealing THE LION AND THE MOUSE CommonLit answers which are absolutely FREE to view.
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THE LION AND THE MOUSE CommonLit Answers – FREE Access
Find the answer key for the topic “THE LION AND THE MOUSE” below:
Note: Be prepared to share your original ideas in a class discussion.

Discussion Questions & Answers
Following are our answers based on the questions provided:
Q.1. Consider other examples of stories from literature, film, sports, or popular culture in which an underdog triumphs over someone or something seen as more powerful. What is it about these stories that captivates us? What makes us root for the “little guy”?
Ans: Stories in which an underdog triumphs over a more powerful opponent often captivate us because they tap into our innate desire for justice and fairness. We root for the little guy because we identify with their struggle and want to see them succeed against the odds. These stories also often contain themes of perseverance, determination, and courage, which can inspire and motivate us in our own lives.
Q.2. In the context of this story, how do we define worth? Cite evidence from this text, your own experience, and other literature, art, or history in your answer.
Ans: In the narrative’s contextual framework, worthiness is construed as an individual’s capability to aid others, irrespective of their physical dimensions or prowess. Albeit the Mouse’s physicality is diminutive and frailer compared to that of the Lion’s, she repays his benevolence by harnessing her idiosyncratic skills and proficiencies to provide assistance during times of exigency. The aforesaid notion is also present in various literary and artistic compositions, for instance, the biblical tale of David and Goliath, where a juvenile male overcomes a gargantuan warrior employing solely a sling and a stone.
Q.3. In the context of this story, how can people – especially the small and weak – overcome adversity? Cite evidence from this text, your own experience, and other literature, art, or history in your answer.
Ans: In my own experience, I’ve seen that triumphing over adversity frequently calls for ingenuity, resourcefulness, and the readiness to accept assistance. I have discovered, like the Mouse in this tale, that even a modest contribution can have a significant impact on someone else’s life. ‘The Tortoise and the Hare’ and ‘Rudy,’ which chronicles the true story of a little and undersized football player who defies the odds to play for Notre Dame, are two other stories that illustrate this concept. In the former, the cautious turtle wins the race.
Q.4. In the context of this story, what does it mean to be a friend? Cite evidence from this text, your own experience, and other literature, art, or history in your answer.
Ans: To me, being a friend means being there for someone when they need you, even if it requires sacrifice or effort on your part. In this story, the Mouse demonstrates true friendship by risking her own safety to help the Lion. This selflessness and loyalty are also present in other stories, such as “Harry Potter,” where Harry and his friends stick together through thick and thin, and “The Lord of the Rings,” where the fellowship of the ring shows unwavering devotion to each other in their quest to save Middle-earth.
Assessment Questions & Answers
Following are our answers based on the questions provided:
Q.1. PART A: What does the word “timid” mean as it is used in paragraph 1?
Ans: Fearful and wary
Q.2. PART B: Which phrase provides the best support for the answer to Part A?
Ans: “in her fright” “tiny creature”
Q.3. What does the information in paragraph 3 reveal about the lion?
Ans: He does not believe that an animal as mighty as he is would ever need the help of a creature so small.
Q.4. How does paragraph 5 contribute to the overall structure of the story?
Ans: It reveals the solution to a main conflict in the story.
Q.5. Explain the theme of the story on the lines below.
Ans: Answers will vary; acceptable responses include “A kindness is never wasted,” “Little friends may prove great friends,” “Never underestimate someone’s potential,” or “No matter how weak and small a creature is, he may be of help if the time comes.” Students should also explain how the story’s plot reveals this theme.
You can find answer keys for other grade 5 topics here:
Note: In case, you have anything to share related to this topic let us know through the comment box below.
In CommonLit, “THE LION AND THE MOUSE” is one of the students’ favorite short stories authored by Aesop for 5th-grade students.
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Hi, I’m Annie Smith, and I’ve been a teacher for over 5 years and have taught students at all levels. I love to help students get ahead of their exams and provide helpful guides on various topics.